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Robin, help KF, we'll handle the guards. Kaldur ordered through the mind link and I nodded to show I'd heard, quickly knocking out the goon I was dealing with and heading over to see Wally was fending off Harley alone.
I leapt onto her back and she lost her balance as she went over, stopping her from landing a hit on Wally.
"Hello there Bat brat." She said as she looked up and saw me helping Wally up.
"Harley, nice to see you again. Mind telling me where Joker is?" I asked as Wally went back into the fray of the fight.
"I would mind." She replied, "So I won't tell you." She came at me with her bat and I easily dodged, kicking out at her legs.
She jumped backwards and came back again with a punch. I went into a backwards walkover, my heels connecting with her chin and she went stumbling backwards. She looked at me with a look of death then and I smirked at her. But the smirk quickly left my mouth as I was grabbed from behind.
"Hello, Robin." I froze as Joker whispered in my ear.
Joker is here. I said through the mind link, So when you feel like it could you come and help me with the maniacs.
We'll be there as soon as possible but we're still a tad busy ourselves. Artemis replied.
"So Bird Brain." Joker taunted, "How's it hanging?"
"Oh, cause he's hanging from you holding him." Harley said as she burst into laughter at the terrible joke, "Good one Mistah J."
"Shut up Harley." Joker snarled and she did, then turning back to face me, "Are you running out of breath yet?"
I would've had an awesome comeback to say if I wasn't running out of breath. But his hold on my neck was making it particularly difficult to breathe.
"This isn't going to be the best experience for you and your team." Joker said as he indicated for Harley to do something and I felt chains attached to me, ankle and wrist, "But it'll be great for everyone else."
"What are you planning?" I growled at him but he just turned his back and walked off.
Robin, how is it with Joker and Harley? Kaldur asked.
Not astrous by any means. I replied, I'd appreciate it if you could hurry up with what you are doing.
Not going to happen. Wally said, We're a tad tied up. Literally.
I can see him. M'gann cut in, He's chained to the floor, and Jokers bringing something over.
What is it? I asked, now raising my head to see if I could see him.
It's a vial of something green. She replied.
That better not be acid. I would struggle, but I couldn't appear weak in front of the team or scared in front of maniacs. It wouldn't be good for anyone. Joker came into my field of vision and knelt down next to me.
"Open up bird boy, we've got you a drink." Joker said as he moved the vial towards my mouth which was staying firmly shut, "Fine, we'll do it the hard way then, Harley."
I felt her pinch my nose and my airflow was cut off. I needed a way out of here fast. I began to pull against the chains, hoping they would give. Then I tried my lockpick but it had been disabled, god knows how that happened. I was running out of breath now, my mouth would involuntarily fly open any second. I tried moving so that my face was against the floor but my positioning wouldn't allow it. Then I was gasping for breath and the liquid was sent down my throat along with some odd tablet which was in it. I almost choked on it but my body involuntarily swallowed it.
"Good birde." Joker said, "You've really done yourself a favour by drinking that."
"What? Mountain Dew?" I couldn't hold back my remark, what was he playing at?
"Never underestimate the dew." Harley chanted as she unlocked me and my friends were released from their bonds.
I was too surprised by what she was doing to react and take them down, as it seemed with the rest of the team and so they managed to get away before any of us had come to our senses. 
"He just gave you Mountain Dew?" Wally asked as he flashed over.
"With some tic tac like thing in it." I replied with a shrug, "We should search in case they're still here."
"They're gone. I heard a car leave the building." Conner said as he came over with the rest of the team, "The best thing would be to head back to the mountain."
"I agree with Conner." Kaldur said, "M'gann, could you bring the Bio-Ship round and we shall head back."
Megan nodded and we headed over to board to the ship. But all of a sudden I was wracked with immense pain and a voice said, "Calibration in progress. Please excuse some mild discomfort."
"Robin!" I heard Wally as if from a distance as I curled in on myself on that floor.
"Calibration complete, Access procedure initiated." The voice said and the pain was gone.
I stood back up, shaking my head to clear it, "I'm fine." I said as I used Wally's arm to support me. 
"Discomfort level may increase." And suddenly much more pain wracked my body as I was spasming on the floor again, "Accessing neural memory, accessing muscle memory, access procedure complete. Richard Grayson, welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. Your SQUIP." I stood up again, the pain leaving completely as if that had never happened. 
I jumped back as someone just appeared in front of me. He had Dark brown wavy hair that fell to his chin, electric blue eyes, pale skin and wore a long black trenchcoat over jeans and a smart jumper along with smart shoes.
"You okay dude?" Wally asked, looking over to where I was staring but he must not have seen anything, odd.
"I'm fine." I muttered, moving my gaze away from the man and back to the concerned looking team, "Must be something in the drink that Joker gave me. Some sort of pain-inducing drink or something. I'll get it checked out when we get back to the cave."
"Make sure you do." Kaldur asked, "You are a valuable member to this team."
"Yeah, I don't know how we'd survive without your tech skills." Wally placed an arm around my shoulder and we headed back to the Bio-Ship.
I glanced over my shoulder to see if the man was still there, but he was gone as if he was never there.

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