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Taehyung was so messed up, the entire day he just spent his time in the bar and drank as much as he can. Her words were stuck in his head and they made him mad and confused.

He really want to marry her, it was their first promise when they were still in high school. He was really deep in love with her that he'd do anything just for her and he even proposed to her on the last day when they graduated from high school.

That was the very happy day of his life and he promised to put her first no matter what. He was in love, very in love with her that it made him crazy but ever since she decided to study aboard, Taehyung changed.

He's not like the old Taehyung who would leave everything behind just for her, he's not the same anymore. He really confused about everything, was he doing the right thing?

He knows very well that this was their plan for the future and that he will marry her. Does he know that it was all his fault for not taking the wedding seriously but is this what he wanted?

He sighed deeply as he got up from the chair. He paid for the drinks and walked out of the bar with uneasy steps since he was feeling a little bit drunk. He looked up at the dark sky and let out a sigh once again.

He get in his car and frowned his brows when his phone buzzed. He turned on the engine and drove away to the apartment. He parked his car and get in the lift.

Jungkook was waiting for Taehyung in the master bedroom. He smiled when Taehyung pushed open the door and was walking towards him with messy hair "Tae?"

Taehyung ignored him and crashed his body on the bed with a deep sigh of disappointment. Jungkook was worried since Taehyung doesn't look like he was fine. He covered his face with his arm.

Jungkook laid his body right next to him and caress Taehyung on the chest "Is everything alright? Can I get you anything?" Jungkook was trying to help him with his jacket but Taehyung pushed him away and yelled at him "NOT NOW!"

Jungkook was startled as he looked down with glossy eyes, Taehyung has never yelled at him before and it totally made him sad "T-tae-" before he could talk, Taehyung grabbed him and was staring at him with anger in his eyes.

"JUST GET LOST! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOUR FACE AGAIN!" tears successfully escape his eyes as he choked on his tears "b-but-" Taehyung slapped him on the cheek "JUST FUCKING GET LOST YOU HOE!"


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