💙 46

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*I honestly need to create new storylines for this story cause I can't remember the actual one 😌 so have some fluff Taekook instead for this chapter


"baby stop moving around, you're making it harder for me to carry you up to our room" the pregnant male pout out his lips with crossed arms feeling disgusted at the thought of it "our room? I'm not sleeping in that bitch's room, I won't and I will not! Never!"

The other male chuckled in deep while staring down at the love of his life looking so fluffy in his current soft sweater that his mother gave him before allowing Taehyung to take Jungkook away from her after making sure her baby boy is in great condition.

"For your information, she stayed in one of the guest rooms, not my actual room so don't worry my love" from looking like an angry bunny to a blank bunny with a big mouth he let out a long 'oh' blushing at the embarrassment that he unknowingly did knowing so well that his daddy will tease him later for it.

"You're so cut-" "shut the fuck up Kim Taehyung" one with warnings and the other one was laughing at the adorable male loving the blush on his cheeks.

"I love teasing you baby" Jungkook turn to look at the other side not wanting to face the younger's handsome face which could cause him heart issues and probably a heart attack if their faces get any closer at one point where he could lose it all.

"for God's sake Taehyung! You're moving slower than a snail right now and it will take us forever to reach the end of the stairs just put me down already, you're in pain, why the hell are you carrying me in your arms anyway? Got a death wish, my friend?"

"I feel no pain when I have you in my arms my love" Jungkook's obvious cheeks answer the cheeky pick-up line previously said by the younger when the two was no longer talking to each other with the younger smiling down at the now snuggling preggo big bunny in his arms making cute sounds while nibbling on the younger's cloth with his front bunny teeth.

"I'm sleepy but you're telling me everything tomorrow morning" They finally reached the door of the master bedroom "tell you what?" Pulling the innocent card Taehyung looks down at Jungkook with his cute bread-like smile as if he knows nothing about the news they saw together earlier in the living room "you're a meanie Kim Taehyung!"

"What happened to you calling me daddy? Do you perhaps prefer my name more when we do it?" Jungkook was so done with all the nonsense that the younger was throwing at him that he punch the younger on the chest hard making Taehyung to scream forgetting that Jungkook still has the skills of a mafia even with him being pregnant.

"You're so annoying"

"But you still love me though"

"Urghh fuck you Kim Taehyung"

"More like I'll be fucking you baby boy"

"So dirty-minded, I seriously can't with you! Put me down on the bed, I need to take a break from you just let me sleep in peace"

"No can't do"

"Wait-The fuck Taehyung!!! You're injured and I'm pregnant!!!!!! Get away from me!!"

"HAHA I was just joking baby, chill"



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