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a/n - SacredWarrior

"Give me a chip." Shizuru mutters, reaching her hand into Han's packet of chips as he drives. She grabs one and puts it in her mouth quickly, avoiding the thought of smoking. Han drives down the streets of LA, the destination being the Toretto house. This is the first time that Shizuru would meet the team...and her fears are as high as ever. She isn't scared of them. Yes, they are criminals but she didn't care about that. She fears of unacceptance; what if the team doesn't like her? 

Adjusting the spiked collar around her neck, she looks out of the window, seeing blocks of buildings and people hanging around in dark alleyways. Rock music quietly hums through the speaker and she turns it up, hoping it will block out her fears. Han looks at her and notices her discomfort. "You're nervous, aren't you?" He asks and Shizuru rolls her eyes.


Han raises a brow whilst looking into the road, "Look, I am not stupid. The team will like you, I promise." His words calm her down a little. She trusts Han. It took her a while to trust him but as months went on, she can trust him with anything. They have been together for a while whilst being in Tokyo. Today, Han wants to visit LA and this is the perfect opportunity for him to introduce Shizuru to his family.

Han pulls up outside a white house labelled '1327'. This must be it. The smell of charcoal and burgers wavers in the air, which brings forward the assumption that there is a barbecue happening. "It will be fine." Han says, turning off the ignition before reaching for Shizuru's hand, holding it. "Trust me."

Shizuru nods before letting go of his hand and stepping out of the car. Once they are both out of the car, they walk to the side of the house and up the drive, where they are met with people chatting and drinking, as well as a lit barbecue smoking with food on top. 

"My boy, Han is here!"A voice erupts near the barbecue and Shizuru looks at the source of the voice to see a dark-skinned man near the barbecue, taking a swig of his beer. Han grins at him and walks up to him, giving him a hug.

"What's up, Roman?" He greets him. Shizuru meanwhile stays a little aback, fiddling with her ring on her finger.

"I'm good bro!" Roman then looks at Shizuru in a little surprise before looking back at Han, "You brought back...a girl?" 

Han nods as Roman laughs, "You caught a diamond...wow." he looks up and down at Shizuru and she becomes a little wary. Before she can say something, another guy interjects in between.

"Leave the girl alone, Rome. Why don't you cook the chickens?" A bald man orders and Roman nods in silence, before turning his back to cook the chicken drumsticks. The man looks at Shizuru, "I'm Dom and this is my wife, Letty." He points to the dark-haired woman next to him, who smiles at her lightly.

"I'm Shizuru." She manages to say to them with a small smile.

Letty gains her first impressions, "You look like quite the gal who doesn't put up with any guy's shit." She refers to Shizuru's look, which mainly consisted of leather and studded jewellery. 

"Once tough, always tough I guess." Shizuru replies, trying to act tough. She cannot be vulnerable. She needs to be confident. 

Another guy walks up to the crowd, joining the conversation. He has sparkling blue eyes that look like an ocean, focused on the stranger that is Shizuru. "Hey there." He introduces, "I am Brian and this buddy here is Jack." He refers to the kid that he is holding and Shizuru waves at them. 

"I'm Shizuru." She replies. "Shizuru Yukimura." 

Brian raises a brow, "Yukimura?" He thinks for a second, "That rings a bell."

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