The Rebel Journal

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Okay so how do I start this.

Hi? Yeah.

Hi, I'm Jacob Marcois Grey. Don't you dare make a 50 Shades of Gray (Grey?) comment because I will be very disappointed. But anyways, you could call me Jake. Got it? Good.

So I'm writing in this journal thing because a lot of shit happened in the past few days. I met a hot chick, got in trouble with the police and now..well now I'm in a rebel group. Crazy, I know. And the thing is, I'm only seventeen. Seven-fucking-teen. I'm a fucking fetus compared to the real world, man. What am I doing in a rebel group, you say? You are merely but a fetus, Jacob, you say? You'll never survive, dude, you say?

Well the answers to those are:

1. I'll explain that later.

2. I know, I know.

3. I could probably survive but I dunno man.

But enough about my fetus problems. Let's get on with the story.


It all happened a couple of days ago on the first day of school. I was walking into our gigantic school building, getting ready to get shit done. When this girl bumps into me. She was running, of course. Probably to get to first period. But it was when she turned around was when I actually knew who it was.

It was Chase Mitchell. She's fucking cute. One side of her head is cut extremely short. Like Anne Hathaway after Les Mis type short. While the other side has long, green to blue hue hair. She even has a nose piercing on one side of her nose. She's the most asymmetrical woman I have ever seen. But that doesn't matter. Her smile is priceless. I never really talked to her before but I hear that she's pretty weird. But then again, those are the same people that say the same thing about me. At least she has friends.

"Ha ha sorry dude," she says while walking backwards like a cool kid. Before I could say "it's alright babe, nbd," (or rather just put my hand up as a signal to say it's alright) she was already gone. Well shitNow she's gonna be on my mind all day. Great.

And it turns out that she was. I couldn't believe that she actually talked to me, or even touched me for that matter. But who am I kidding? I could never make it with a girl like her.

Alright, so that was just the first day of school. The real action starts a week later.

After a long ass day of getting pushed around, rejections, and hangouts in the bathroom for long amounts of time, it's finally time to go home. I like going home to Auntie. She's the coolest person ever. She calls me 'lionboy'. I have no idea why but she says that it has a deeper meaning to it. I guess I'll figure it out when I'm older.

"Lionboyyyyy!," she yells out from the kitchen while I'm blowing my ears out with Green Day and My Chemical Romance. Old, I know but their music is everything to me. It was when I came downstairs when I realized why she was yelling. I finished all the eggs this morning. And the milk. And the- okay let's just say that I finished a lot of food this morning and afternoon.

"What is this, Jakey..," I could hear the disappointment in her voice. Sometimes her blue eyes are so blue that they make the ocean look bad. When she's mad, it's like an insane tsunami is gonna happen. When she's happy, all aboard 'cause there's a happy cruise going on. But when she's sad, it's like me, her and anyone who looks upon those blue eyes are drowning. I'm not trying to be romantic about my aunt, that's nasty. I'm just trying to say that her eyes are sick.

"Food," I respond. Not the best response.

"Food? You call this, food?" she holds the empty egg carton out towards me.

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