"Y-yeah?" I say as I sit next to Hanji.

"I want to apologize. I never should have blamed you for what I did. I realize now that it wasn't your fault, or Levi's. I was the one who got jealous. I shouldn't have dragged you into the mess I created." He said. "You have to understand that I watched him slowly catch feelings for you. I lost him before my very eyes. Hanji told me what happened a couple nights ago but....I'm not mad. Not at him, not at you. I've never seen Levi so happy before you showed up. He's always been a pretty grumpy person but you brought out something I've never bore witness. All I want is for him...and you to be happy."

"I-I don't know what to say." I sputtered. Erwin's sudden speech took me away. Suddenly emotions overpowered me and guilt ran up my throat as I confessed, "It's all my fault."

"W-what?" Hanji asked.

"All of it... I caused everything!" I begin to ramble quickly, "From the beginning! It was me that showed up out of nowhere and changed all of your lives. I made you jealous, I made you and Levi scared for my life by almost killing myself, which distracted everyone. Then Levi got beat up by my dad and Erwin, you and Levi began fighting...because of me!"

"Eren yo-"

I began laughing, yup I'm losing it. "Haha, I was the one who checked up on him, which led to us having sex! Which led to me running away because I was too scared to face him! Then he came to my house and I just yelled at him! Called him a faggot and broke his heart!"


"Then! He left in the pouring rain without a helmet and got into the accident and I HAHA........I .....could have stopped it!" I stop as the realization hits, ending my psychotic break. "I-I could have stopped him.....but I was too much of a FUCKING COWARD to tell him how I felt! And now we might lose him...because of me!! Because I couldn't tell him that I LOVE HIM!"

The tears that for some reason hadn't yet fallen, overflowed my eyelids and I collapsed to my knees on the carpeted floor.

"Eren, none of this is your fault." Erwin said as he knelt down next to me. "This was a freak accident, you couldn't have predicted anything like this could happen."

His words calm me a little but the guilt still stays strong. Suddenly.

"Here." Hanji says holding something in her hand. I recognize it immediately.

"H-how did you get this?" I gasped.

"It was found in his pocket. It's addressed to you...but I guess you already know that."

I take it from her hands. The papers were wrinkled, damp, and muddy. "Levi tried to give this to me but..... I just threw it back at him. Why did I do that? I'm such an asshole."

"You're not. I haven't opened it but I think you need to read that." She says.

"Y-yeah..." I get up and unfold the mess of papers so I could read. When I saw my name written in small blue print on the front my stomach twists. "Umm I-I need to read this alone...if you don't mind." Hanji nods her head and I quickly turn away. I end up walking back down the empty hallway that led me here, I get about halfway down when I stop and lean against the wall between a stretcher and a cart full of medical supplies.

I look at the papers, they were slightly ripped, wrinkled from my mishandling and muddy. I notice a small spot of red....blood. I felt like I was going to throw up. I take some deep breaths to calm down and I force my trembling hands to unfold the letter. I noticed the handwritten, blue ink used was slightly smudged and faded but I was able to read it.

(Play Song)

My eyes widen when I realize what exactly these papers held.


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