"Is Bellatrix the New Yahoo?"

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Nico POV

It'd been 10 months. Ten months since we defeated Voldemort. Ten months since Nico slit an evil wizard's throat. And ten months since Bellatrix Lestrange had been torturing Percy. They'd tried storming Malfoy Manor with some more demigods, but the building was empty. Nico had no idea where Percy was.

Tomorrow was September 1st. That year, the seven, Will, Reyna, Rachel, Calypso, and Nico would be attending Hogwarts. They were doing that so that there was a demigod army amassed for the upcoming battle with Bellatrix. Nico had recently been sensing a powerful Greek being awakening, but he wasn't sure who. If Bellatrix was allying herself with this Greek being, it would be even harder to take her down. That's why they need the 12 demigods. Well, it was more like 11 demigods since Percy was gone...

Annabeth had been distraught. It was like the last time Percy went missing, but now they knew why he's gone and how much suffering he is enduring. Bellatrix had been sending the Order updates. She'd write a letter and send it by owl- all taunting notes. Annabeth used to keep them in her room in case anyone found clues in them, but Nico took them into his room instead when he caught her staring at them and crying. Having that reminder nearby wasn't good for her.

Nico say down on his bed in the room at 12 Grimmauld Place that Percy, Will, Jason, and he shared. Harry and Ron are with Frank and Leo. He pullef out a grey shoebox he had under his bed and opened it. Nico pulled out the letters from Bellatrix and read through them again, checking for clues that he'd missed like he did every morning. But every morning, he found nothing.

November 15th.

Order of the Phoenix,

This is Bellatrix Lestrange here. I'm sure you're surprised to hear from me. I know you'll be happy to hear that you're demigod leader is alive. He's not exactly in good health right now though. I've seen to that.


December 28th

Order of the Phoenix,

Did you know that there is Celestial Bronze rope? According to some research I've done, it's extraordinarily painful when it makes contact with the skin of demigods. Burns right through their skin. Especially sons of Poseidon!


January 3rd

Order of the Phoenix,

Enclosed is a picture of your little friend. I must say he's got very strong vocal cords. He can scream for hours on end! Its been great fun with him. Thanks for letting me borrow him. Although I guess it's not borrowing if I don't give him back...


February 18th

Order of the Phoenix,

Today Perseus and I had visitors. An old friend of mine that your demigod allies might be familiar with. I shared my toy with my friend and his friends too, so now Perseus looks like a chopping board! What fun.


March 1st

Order of the Phoenix,

I love sending you all these little notes. I can imagine it must be driving you crazy, not being able to get any clues as to where we are from these! I've enclosed another picture of Percy. He isn't looking so good in this one either. It's a picture of us in our playroom! And by playroom, I mean torture chamber.


April 13th

Order of the Phoenix,

Is Nico di Angelo still there? I want him to read this one. Nico, today Perseus almost took a trip to see your Daddy. Don't worry, I stopped strangling him before it got that far, but just wanted you to know.


June 21st

Order of the Phoenix,

This note is for the daughter of Athena. Annabeth, how does it make you feel to know that you are the cause of Percy's suffering? He wouldn't be close to death every day if he hadn't swapped places with you. I'm so glad he did-the revenge is much more satisfying this way. But I'm sure you're not glad he did!


July 4th

Order of the Phoenix,

Here is another picture of Percy. See how his hands are tied behind his back and he's gagged, but he still has the spirit and courage to look directly into the camera? So brave. But I promise I will break his spirit soon. God knows how he's still sane after all the fun we've had. But then again, my definition of sane and your definition of sane are very different, aren't they?


August 31rd

Order of the Phoenix,

Tomorrow is the first day of Hogwarts! I wonder who the new DADA teacher will be! Certainly not Percy since he's a bit incapacitated at the moment. Will Annabeth continue to take over his class like she did last year? This will be an important DADA class this year, with a very important professor! On a separate note, be prepared for this year of Hogwarts. You all are in for a little surprise this year.

The last note was the most recent and had just arrived. Nico hadn't even gotten to showing anyone yet since it had appeared on his bed just minutes ago. The notes always seemed to pop up around Nico or Annabeth.

Nico couldn't look at the pictures, each one more horrifying and sickening than the last. He had no idea why Bellatrix was so interested in Hogwarts staffing this year, but it was probably nothing.

Nico placed the shoe box back under his bed and tucked the August note in the pocket of his skinny jeans. He was wearing his normal attire: a black muscle tee, black skinny jeans, and his longish hair pulled back into a low ponytail. He left the room and went to the breakfast table where the Order and the DemiSquad was eating.

"I found another letter."

"Is Bellatrix the new Yahoo? She keeps sending us mail that no one wants to read," joked Leo.

Nico looked at him. He silently began passing the note around the table. When it got to Hazel, she bolted out of the room to the bathroom, and then sound of vomiting followed. Frank ran after her before Nico could, so the son of Hades collected the note. He visibly winced as he tucked it back in his jeans. He turned his skull ring awkwardly for a moment and then turned on his heels and left the room quickly. Before he could go back up to his room, someone tapped his shoulder.

Nico turned around to see Will Solace. "What do you want?" He asked the demigod, but he couldn't help but feel skeletal butterflies flutter in his stomach.

The son of Apollo frowned. "You haven't eaten breakfast, Nico. Come eat."

"I already ate," Nico said truthfully. He had snatched a slice of toast before everyone else had gotten up.

"Okay, but you can still spend time with your friends. What we're all going through is really hard, and it's important to have people by your side."

"Why do you care so much?" Nico asked, confused. Will Solace was the beloved son of Apollo, the one everyone loved. So why was he putting so much effort into Nico? Sure they were acquaintances, maybe even friends, but Nico was a son of Hades. The opposite of Apollo.

Will blushed. "I-uh...medical reasons." Then Will steered Nico back into the kitchen, where the son of Hades ended up spending time with his friends for a while. But the whole time, he was aware of Will Solace watching him with an expression Nico had seen pointed in his direction very few times before.

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