So overall thought of the personality:

It flows together very nicely, and it's very organized. I like the flaws, I really do, but I certainly suggest adding more positive traits. You could also try removing some flaws, but you do need MORE traits overall because at this point you're pretty much just repeating yourself.

Also, one thing: I suggest adding "does not like to be touched" due to his past. This is a very common and reasonable side effect of having a childhood like Solar, especially when it involves a family member or close friend.

EDIT: After seeing the backstory, I do recommend adding at least some sort of tone of sadness here. Like, I don't want OCs to be sad and mopey and depressed, but it would make much more sense should he be at least a little sad about the whole... everything.

Family: mother; Ember. A small deep red skywing with larger than average wings for her size(deceased).

Father; lynx a large aggressive pale blue icewing with light purple wing membranes

Eh... Lynx — Lynx is a canon name. I suggest changing it.

Mate: Ursa (as in Ursa Major or minor) a deeper blue icewing with a Saphire earring [deceased]

Deceased? Oh no D:

Dragonets: None


Backstory: Solar was always an aggressive dragon when he was younger due to his father being a highly aggressive dragon.

To be honest? I don't think that makes the most amount of sense. If his father was highly aggressive all the time, Solar would probably turn out shy and meek.

So, either change the reason behind Solar's aggression or change his personality, but I suggest the first option. Either way, it's your decision.

He grew up in possibility with his mother and abusive father. Lynx had started drinking when Solar was born (because he hated the thought of having a hybrid as a son and Solar was a mistake) and had started abusing him and Ember when he was one.


When Solar was almost five and growing fairly large he began trying to protect himself and his mother as she was the kindest dragon in his life. When he was six his Lynx had way too much to drink and took it too far and killed Ember.

That's awful.

Solar was distraught but had to fight off his father as he was aiming for Solar next. This is where he got the large scar going down his neck. Lynx had raked his serrated talon down his neck aiming for his main artery but missed due to his intoxicated state. Solar pushed his father back and he fell backwards hitting his head on the wall knocking him out. Solar packed his few things and stole his fathers expensive items (earrings, necklaces and horn bands[he was a dragon of the 3rd circle but was banished from the tribe for

something he didn't even do.]) and took his mothers necklace and hung it around his neck (she had received the necklace as a gift from lynx when he was kind and sober). He left not looking back. He sold everything he had except for the necklace but selling it didn't give him enough to support himself so he tried to get a job as a guard or even helping in a store but nothing worked so he began stealing to survive. He had been caught multiple times but what else could he do. When he was 30 years old he met a beautiful deep blue icewing named Ursa. She had helped him get back on his feet even giving him a job as a helper in her flower shop. She had melted the layer of ice around his heart and earned his affection due to her kind and calm personality. They soon became mates but never had been able to have dragonets as a robber had robbed the store when he was out buying food for them. The robber had stabbed Ursa multiple times in several places but left her alive he had just finished grabbing as much money as he could when Solar walked in. Seeing ursa on the ground in a pool of her own blood had flashed an image of his mother lying in her own blood dead with a sliced open neck in his head and he snapped. He lunged at the robber who was unaware of his presence and snapped his neck. He did everything he could to help ursa but he was too late and she died of her wounds. Soon enough guards came in seeing him standing over two dead bodies and immediately assumed it was him given his record of stealing even though he'd never killed. He shot an blast of frost breath at a window and quickly flew through it as he ran away as a fugitive. He flew as far away as he could settling in a mountain full of caves near the icewing border. He was 37 at the time and still resides in those caves using the mountain for food and resources

... Wow.

This... is certainly not a bad backstory. It's sad, yes, but it's not bad.

Residents: in a system of caves in a mountain near the icewing border

... Makes sense.

My Rating:


Originality: 24/25 (1 point knocked off for the name Lynx being canon)

Realism: 21/25 (4 points knocked off for the personality + anything related to the personality)

Interest: 20/25 (I'm somewhat interested in this character)

Uniqueness: 25/25 (This character is very unique)


A pretty good OC, I have to say. The biggest thing, though, that I recommend, is changing the personality... it's not bad, but it could definitely use some work.

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