When We're Apart

Começar do início

"Where is Salvatore?"

I turned and looked at him then

"What?" I asked. He narrowed

"Where. Is. Salvatore?" he asked again, and I could help but narrow my eyes

"Who is-"


Vladimir smacked the table so hard I thought it would snap in half.

"You don't wanna talk? That's fine. I'll make you talk" he said, and his fingers wiggled over the tools. Air was stuck in my throat and I had the overwhelming need to cry out, but I wouldn't let him see me like this. Out he pulled what looked like a twisted fork.

The prongs had been twisted, making the tip pointy and very lethal if you asked me.

What was he trying to do with that?

He stepped closer to me and produced a zippo lighter. Then flicked the cap off which produced a flame and then he proceeded to pass the twisted tip over the flame. His eyes met mine

"Where is Salvatore?" he asked again.

"I don't know who that is!" I exclaimed, and he did not like the answer. He moved the hot metallic tool and, in a flash, pressed It against my arm, the sizzling reaching my ears and the burning pain making me cry out

"Wrong answer. Let's try again"



"We can't just go in. We have to wait for back up" Monte said, and my hands twitched on the gun in my hand.

"Fuck the backup. He has her in there. He could be hurting her right at this second" I said through clenched jaw. My mind was working at lighting speed, trying to come up with a plan that didn't include Emma getting killed. We had to go in there and surprise him. And I needed to get her.

I couldn't imagine what I would do with myself if I walked in there and she was dead.

I pushed the idea out of my mind quickly.

Monte looked behind us in the clutter of vehicles we had. I had only been able to form a group of ten men from my original band. Nowhere near the comfortable amount I wanted, but it was something. We had five with us so far, so we were waiting on the other five. The motherfucker had picked an abandoned warehouse outside of town to bring Emma. The middle of fucking nowhere.

"What's the plan?" Monte asked, loading his magazines, using the closed trunk as his table. I shook my head

"Something is off. Where's his security?" I mumbled, looking around. Monte followed my eyes, studying the area.

"Good point. Unless he's losing his touch" he resumed his loading and passed me two loaded magazines for me to strap to my belt. Three full magazines to blow this fucker's brains out. This was ending tonight.

"Incoming!" one of the guys called and we all looked up. A single figure was walking out of the warehouse. A figure I knew too well.

Her red shoulder length hair was wavy, her bright blue eyes were on mine. Although it was dark out and our visibility was bad, she knew where I was and I could make out every move she made.

"Son of a fucking bitch..." Monte said under his breath and shoved a magazine in his gun, switching the safety off and raising his gun together with the other five men that accompanied us.

I didn't raise my gun

And Melody didn't stop walking either. Her eyes never left mine as she walked towards us with confidence. She knew I wouldn't shoot her. She knew me too well.

Lucifer Himself (18+)[COMPLETED]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora