The Mess That I've Become

Start from the beginning

He had heard. He had heard. "Its alright, Tony." Vic saw as I still stood, my face growing red again. He patted my head and opened the bathroom door. "Aye, Mike, sorry you had to stop it so soon." Vic mocked in a girly voice. "GAH, VIC!" Mike shot up from his hiding spot in the tub. "How was it, little bro?" Vic said, a giggle escaping his lips. "It sounded pretty hot." Jaime poked his head in the bathroom. Vic and Jaime were all hysterics again, and Mike and I stared at them, both turning pink, me for the third time. "I agree with you, Mike." Jaime choked out. "What?" Mike said quietly. "Tony is pretty fucking sexy." Jaime and Vic said together, and Mike threw his hands in the hair, ran it though his hair, and turned around. "You guys are such dicks." Mike mumbled. "Speaking of dicks..." Vic said. "How long is Ton-" "Okay can we stop now?" I said. Vic and Jaime were once again hugging eachother and laughing into eachothers shoulders. Vic patted Jaimes back and said, "Okay guys, sorry.. sorry." A small laugh escaped his lips and he said "Tony what did you wash your face with?" Jaime, Mike, and I all knew what he was implying to. I glanced down and Jaime pushed Vic playfully. "Dude, gross!" Jaime was all hysterics again, Vic joining. "Wait 'til we tell the fans!" "NO NO NO" Mike and I both yelled out. "Just promise me one thing, Tony." Jaime said. "What" I said. "Promise me you'll tell me all the details." He whispered.

I stared at him blankly and said, "Why don't you try it for yourself with Vic?" "Maybe we will!" Vic butted in. "Vic, are you forgetting Kellin?" Mike said. "Eh, Kellins probably hitting it off with that Katelynee girl like he's probably with her at this very moment." Jaime winked at Vic, and Vic returned it. Mike grinned, and I just laughed. "Well o-kay." I said. "This has been a very awkward morning for all of us, so lets all just cuddle together to pass the time" Vic said. 

As usual we followed Vics orders and all sat in the very back of the bus. We got a whole bunch of blankets and snuggled together. After awhile, I got an idea.

~Mikes P.o.V~

I was still very, very embarrassed that Vic, my brother, and Jaime, one of my best friends, had heard Tony and I fucking.

While we cuddled or whatever, Tony began to take our blankets, and set up chairs. "What are you doing?" Vic, Jaime, and I said. "I'm building a fort." Tony said in the most adorable voice ever. We all chuckled and helped him. We spent a couple minutes on this fort and we all climbed in. Tony grabbed ahold of my hand and smiled at me. I almost melted, because it seemed as if that smile was almost meant for me. Just for me. "So guys" Tony started. "Stay here, i'm going to town to buy you guys some breakfast, settle your differences here, okay?" He began to crawl out, but then paused. "And please... don't talk about my dick.." He chuckled and Jaime called after him, "We can't promise you!" Tony laughed and walked out the bus. "I'm gonna rent a car!" Tony yelled as he walked out. "OKAY!" Jaime said. "So... his dick." He said. I laughed. "Its big." I choked out. "DUDE!" Vic and Jaime yelled out. I laughed and said, "Stating the truth!" They were soon crying from so much laughter, and I admit I was too.

But everything changed so quickly.

I got a call. Unknown, it said. I answered it and shushed down Vic and Jaime. "Hello?" "Is this Mike Fuentes?" said a womans voice. "Yes it is?" I said, questioning her. "This is Gene Mendel, I work in Aspen Valley Hospital, we currently happen to have one of your friends, Tony Perry, in our hospital. He got in an-er accident."

My heart sped up. "Accident?" I asked, getting scared. "Yes, we ask if you can come here." "I'll-i'll be right there." I said, feeling tears grow in my eyes.

I hung up and prepared to break the new to Vic and Jaime, who looked at me in a worried way. "Tony's.. in the hospital. He got in an accident." "Accident?! What hospital?" Vic said, his eyes full of panic. "Um, Aspen Valley." I said, a tear escaping my eyes. "That's not that far, c'mon guys, lets go." Vic said, and we followed him out of the fort.

In the taxi we were in, I fiddled with my phone. I awaited for them to call and say this is all a big mistake. Jaime put his hand on my shaking hands, which calmed me down a bit. We arrived so soon at the hospital and we went to the front desk. "Here for Tony Perry?" the woman asked. We all nodded eagerly and she gave us a room number.

We arrived at the room and there was a nurse in the room with Tony. She whispered to us, "He's sleeping. He had a few hits to the head, which may cause in losing his memory. The damage was cause by a drunk driver, which happened to crash straight into Tony. He may live. I'm so sorry." Those words flew through my mind. He may live. He may live. He may live. Memory loss. What if he forgets what we had? What if he forgets us? We slowly approached him and he layed still, but he was breathing. When there was no sign of him waking up from his slumber, the nurse suggested we leave, so they could do more tests.

I didn't want to leave, but I had to.

We slowly walked out the hospital and I cried the whole way back to the tour bus. "Mike, call the tour manager, and tell him what happened. Tell him we'll have to cancel our shows." Vic said, sadness in his voice.

I nodded, also sad, and did as told. I cried while explaining Tonys condition and described how he looked, and what may happen. The manager understood, and agreed to cancel our performances. I layed in my bed, tears escaping my eyes, and hoping Tony would be alright.

{A/N: Well guys, i'm pretty sure I haven't updated in a while so here it is! Sorry its sad now. Hopefully it gets better, who knows, these kind of stories just flow in my mind while i'm typing. And I hope you guys understand the "I'm building a fort" reference haha :D Well yeah, i'll update soon.}

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