Update 2

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Alright I know that it has been a long time since the last part of the story, but there are a few reasons for that. So I'll just get straight to the point.
1. I was not happy with how the story was going, I did not like the pacing, dialogue and characters. They just felt like cardboard so I really had no urge to write them anymore.
2. I was writing the story as I was going. I had the beginning and the end but the middle did not exist. This caused many problems as while writing I was still trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B.
And 3. I developed the world very little in my opinion. This dissapointed me as I had worked very hard on this world and developed it quite a bit and yet I was focusing more on the plot than the characters and the world they lived in so nothing was getting the development it should have been getting.
So with all of this is pains me to say that I shall no longer be writing the story. However I shall be starting over from scratch. It shall take me some time before the first part of The Gods who Ruled: The Black Storm is out as I want to write out a rough draft of the story first. However it will hopefully be out soon but I'm still not certain of that. As I have no set release date for the reboot/rework this will give me more than enough time to actually fix the issues I see with the original. But with all of that I wish you all a good day/night or whatever time it is for you.

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