The Crags 1

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As the group set sail into the vast ocean, Sekai looked out into the sky. Sekai then went and sat down with Oro and Kaleen. "So Oro, why do you want to get to Yggdrasil?" Asked Sekai looking at the Dark Elf. "It is an easy way to get to Helbrum. I'm just going to Yggdrasil to get to Helbrum, that's all." Even though Sekai know that wasn't Oro's real answer he moved on. "Then what about you Kaleen?" Sekai asked looking over to her. "I've always wanted to see the giant tree. And I hope to find out what happened to the dragons after the Great Dragon war." Kaleen said looking back at Sekai. "Then how about you?" Oro asked looking over at Sekai. "I'm going over as request of King Kelbra." Sekai said looking at Oro. "What could that old guy want?" Oro asked. "He wants me to find an artifact that The Royal Guard have located." Explained Sekai. "And this artifact is?" Oro continued to ask. "I don't fully know but from what I do know, it's powerful, very powerful." Sekai said. "If you do find the artifact then why give it to him. I'm not saying use it or anything but don't give it to some old guy who is close to death. Who knows what he would do, and besides we don't want something like The Great Dragon War again." Oro said looking up into the air. Sekai kept quiet, having that statement in his head, debating whether to give to King Kelbra or not. "I could be wrong but this artifact reminds me of another artifact mentioned in the multiple tellings of the Great Dragon War. It was known as The Draken Soul, an artifact that Xeires the Mad created. It was one of three things that sparked The Great Dragon War, the other two being Xeires announcing his self proclaimed title of Lord of Dragons and the creation of the first, and last, White Dragon, Lambros, Lord of the Sky. The Draken Soul was used to take most of every living Dragons power except for Brukon and give Xeires all that power, however he never did use it because he thought he didn't need it. He was defeated." Kaleen explained to the others. "If that is what it is then it's best the old guy doesn't get it." Oro said. "What do you have against him?" Sekai questioned. "Not much, I just don't trust him." Oro explained. "Well we should be prepared for anything. We are getting close to The Crags so be prepared." Sekai said standing up. "Ya ya." Oro said still sitting.

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