Journey 4: Oro

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"So did you sleep well?" Kaleen asked as the two walked down a road made of dirt and rocks. "Ya......ya." Sekai looked down at the road while walking. "Is something wrong?" Asked Kaleen looking worried. "Ya. I'm all right." Sekai said looking at Kaleen. They continued their walk until they came to a town. "" Kaleen Said squinting at a sign at the entrance to the town. "Serus." Sekai said looking at Kaleen. They walked to the inn. "So what is this Serus?" Kaleen asked as the two walked into the inn. "It's a port town near The Crags. It's the fastest way to get to Yggdrasil." Sekai said to Kaleen. As Sekai talked about The Crags, one of the many people in the inn looked at him. The stranger wore a black cloak with a Black Steel Bow and Quiver filled with multiple arrows. Sekai noticed this stranger but paid no attention to them. "So what would ya like?" asked Hans the Inn Keeper. "Give us your biggest most expensive plate of food." As Kaleen said that Sekai looked at her with a somewhat annoyed look. "What?" Asked Kaleen. "Just get her some meat." Sekai said looking back at Hans the Inn Keeper. "Meat? I LOVE MEAT!" Kaleen yelled. As Hans the Inn Keeper went to prepare the dish, Sekai walked over to the stranger that looked at them when they walked in. "So, what do you want." Asked Sekai glaring at the strange person. "I want to get to Yggdrasil." Said the stranger whos eyes where covered but it was still obvious that they reflected that glare back. "Why would I take you to Yggdrasil?" Sekai asked the stranger while both glaring and smirking. "Because I can help you get across The Crags." said the stranger. "I mean, do you really think you could get across The Crags with a sword and a young Dragon Mage who acts like a child?" Said the stranger smirking. "Fair enough, but to be fair she is like 20 or something so she isn't that young." Sekai said shrugging his shoulder. "So what's your name? And what race are you because I know I'm gonna somehow get a giant group full of a bunch of different races." Sekai asked. "The names Oro, and the answer to your very strange and long second question is, I'm a Dark Elf." Oro said looking at Sekai and removing his hood to reveal his grey skin, red eyes and black hair. "Hey Kaleen, are ya done yet?" Sekai yelled at Kaleen. "Yep." Kaleen said looking at Sekai. The three left the inn and walked to the port. After much searching they found a ship that they could take across The Crags.

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