Journey 2

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Sekai came to the entrance of a forest with large trees, big enough to have a village of tree houses built in and on them. Sekai walked into it and continued to walk. Birds tweeting and other animal noises came from every side. Sekai continued to walk even when some noises got too close for comfort. He walked until he had seen a large shadow from above. Suddenly a large green dragon landed in front of him causing dust to erupt from the ground and Sekai to block his eyes with his cloak. "Do you know where you are going human?" Asked the hulking beast called a dragon. "I am heading that way." He said as he pointed behind the dragon. "You might be horrible at jokes but I can tell you aren't too bad of a person." The dragon said. "Now get on." "What?" Questioned Sekai. "I said get on, and I'll add more, get on now or you won't be walking further." Rawred the dragon. "Well, looks like I'm getting on." Sekai said as he climbed onto the back of the green scaled beast. As soon as he did it took off and flew to a village of tree houses. Sekai looked down to see many beings that looked human but had yellow and green scaled on their cheeks, arms and legs. "Dragon Mages, wait does that mean you are a Dragon Mage too?" Sekai asked curiously. "If that wasn't obvious then you are more oblivious than I thought. My name is Kaleen." Said the dragon as it landed in the center of the village. "You are a girl, well then." Said Sekai looking off into the trees as he got off. The dragon mage known as Kaleen transformed into a more humanoid form with long brown hair and green scales. "We have met someone that kinda looked like you. I think her name was Iyr. She had dark blue clothes and bandages covering her stomach, arms and mouth and she has white hair like you." Claimed Kaleen. "Hmm. Interesting." Sekai said as he looked at the ground. "So why did you bring me here?" Questioned Sekai as he looked at the female dragon mage. "You don't look like you have any food or anything else. All ya have is armor, a sword and your cloak." Exclaimed Kaleen. "Your right. I have been trying to save my money to get to Yggdrasil." Confirmed Sekai. "YGGDRASIL!? Can I come!?" Asked Kaleen excitedly. "Sure but maybe I should get something to eat." Said Sekai closing his eyes. "Come with me I'll pay for it." Kaleen said as they walked further into the town.

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