Journey 3: Visions of the past

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After a short walk from where they had landed Sekai and Kaleen came to the entrance of an inn. "So this is it?" Asked Sekai looking at the young Dragon Mage. "Yep!" Said Kaleen excitedly. The two entered the inn. "So what can I get ya today Kaleen?" Asked the Inn keeper while smiling. "Huh. I can only see yellow and green dragon mages here." Sekai pointed out looking around the room. "Ya. If ya some how don't know, the blue dragon mages who came from the blue dragons who came from the purple dragon, Terminus the Champion, all live by the ocean. We, the yellow and green dragon mages came from yellow and green dragons who came from Mercadia the Lier." Explained Kaleen. "And what of the red dragons?" Asked Sekai. "The red dragons don't have any affinity for magic. Green, yellow and blue dragons all had a strong affinity for magic. And the black dragons....the only descendants of the extinct black dragons are the Dragonoids, Lizardfolk and Serpentfolk." Claimed Kaleen with a somewhat sad expression when she talked about the black dragons. "What happened to the black dragons?" Asked Sekai. All the Dragon Mages within  the inn looked at Sekai with sad expressions. "They were all killed during The Great Dragon War when Xeires, the Eternal, later to be called Xeires the Mad or Xeires the Tyrant decided to attack his siblings, Terminus and Mercadia and become the ruler of the dragons." Explained the Inn Keeper. "Who is Xeires?" Questioned Sekai. "He was the largest dragon to ever exist aside from his father, Brukon the God of Dragons, and he was the first black dragon." Explained the Inn Keeper with an even sadder expression. "I'm going home. I feel sick." Claimed Kaleen as she held her stomach. "I'll....I'll come with you." Said Sekai leaving the inn with Kaleen. Sekai laid in is bed, asleep, that Kaleen let him sleep in for the night. Whispers could be heard all around him with them saying one thing. "The Great Dragon War." Out of nowhere a large voice erupts from the darkness of Sekai's sleeping mind. "You can not stop me father." "Xeires the Eternal, I command you to stop." "Xeires the Eternal is no more. I AM XEIRES THE LORD OF DRAGONS AND YOU CAN STOP ME WITHOUT DISOBEYING YOUR MOTHER, THE GODDESS OF ROYALTY WHO SHALL FALL ALONG WITH YOU." "Mercadia, Terminus come to me." "Yes father what is it." A female dragon said. "I need your help. Xeires has gone mad and u need your help in creating a being to counteract him." "A dragon to counteract a black dragon, to counteract the first black dragon. How about the first white dragon?" Asked a male dragon voice. "Smart idea. Then this will be the first white dragon, Lambros, Lord of the sky."

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