Are You Okay?

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Ohhh.... Fun! Bruce just so happens to need Dick for a mission the moment we were about to start training! The moment Dick would get shirtless because that's how he trains,he told me. Well asked if it was okay, and you know out of pure... What's the word? Oh, Priviation. I like that word, Mr. Fentz taught it to the class today, while I was staring at Dick, so I have no honest idea what it means, but it works! But that wasn't the fun part, oh no no no! The fun part was that I had to be stuck in a Cave with my ex "Mr. Son of the Son of Krypton and if he were a teacher, would teach How to be a Douchebag 101!" Yeah. I was stuck in that situation. But wait... I think this can be fun! He doesn't know who I am and Selina said when I asked her why we outline our suits in lead it's so that if we ever decide to rob Superman, he won't be able to see us. So that means I can get a little bit of revenge! Starting now! And not now by I'm walking over to him! I mean he is literally 2 feet infront of me about to open his big mouth!

Why Bruce Why? I asked to myself as he asked me to help him scout Penguins goons! Normally i'd jump at the chance to annoy the shit out of Cobblepot, but I was about to start training with Jason and maybe just accidently let him to trip me onto the floor so he'd be ontop of me. But no! Bruce as always had to be a Cockblock! It's honestly not fair, he used to screw anybody he wanted and nobody ever cockblocked him, but oh god help you, if you ever try to touch a person he somehow is always there to ruin the day. Gotta love him Right? Wrong! And now Jason is stuck in a cave with Connor the guy who has stole every chance of love from me is now in a cave with the guy that Stole my heart! Ironic his mother being Selina and her teaching him how to be an expert thief, and he steals my heart? That's funny! I hear a what did you say from dark and brooding Bruce. And I respond mighty fast, in Nightwing fashion. It's funny how Penguin is always short from succeding and he seems to never... I'll stop I don't know where I was going with that Batman. Okay? Yeah. It's been a long night Bruce could I maybe go? I knew he was gonna say no. Yeah, you can go. Oh and Dick please don't a fool out of yourself with Jason. He's gonna be family either way this happens. Wait Bru... How did I know? They call me the World's Greatest Detective for a reason. And you're fine with me liking him? Yeah! You were adopted so was he so nothing is ablw to make it weird for you to like him! Bruce are you feeling okay? Yeah. I was so confused, has Selina really changed him that much? I'm not complaining but it's just so different. Alrighty.

Sup? What's your name again? It said it when you entered, but I never pay attention to that. God the douchebag speaks. I answer his request. They call me Red Hood. Why? The same damn reason they call you SuperBoy and not man. What do you think? Red Hood big crime sydicate. Take out the sydicate, keep the name. There's your answer. Woah! I've never stood up to him like that! I was always scared. Oh I'm gonna love this! Then all of sudden I hear my favorite name over the speakers. NIGHTWING 001! Hey Nightwing! How was Patrol? Wait aren't you here early? Those things usually last all night?

I hear Jason's deep voice to keep him in Red Hood mode when I enter, he asked why I was back so early? And what instantly bounces to my head is, were he and Connor about to have sex? That couldn't be right cause Connor looked pissed as a hornet! So I answered him. I asked Batman if I could go early. And I thought there is no way he'll say yes but he did! Jason said in shocking tone. Batman let you go early... Is he okay? That's what I asked! But do you wanna do that training we planned?

Dick said training very seductively. I was tempted to go that far, but I wasn't gonna rush this and have another Connor moment, with Dick. So I said yes because yeah we were gonna train.

*they train for 10 minutes then*

We were training for about 10-15 minutes when I finally take one of Dick's tips. I take my gun and trip him with my leg wrap my gun around his neck and german toss him backwords making him fall onto his back so I do a kip-up and go in for the practice Ground take down by getting on top of him, but he responds and rolls me so i'm on bottom but I read him too quick I responded taking my knee and pressing it on his forearm so he can't roll me back over. This is it! I'm gonna do it, tonight I learned to Grow A Pear. At this point everyome was gone so we didn't need to be Nightwing and Red Hood anymore. So I opened my mouth, Dick...

A/N: and thats all for todays chapter I hope you enjoyed and i hole you enjoy the song i love it but yall know whats coming the moment we've been waiting for or will something happen? Who knows? You'll have to find out! Buh bye!

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