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" I think that we should end this."

Val said firmly and out of nowhere. But, I'm kinda anticipated that, hell! I'm even waiting for it.

I started working since last week, that also added to our fall. We barely even see each other.

"Ok" I replied bluntly.

"Really? Thats just it?... Ok?" He asked while getting up on the table as were currently having dinner.

" Look... Val Im sorry, but we...we're not working anymore and I know that you know that too."

I trying hard to sound and look affected  by the situation but I think that my tone of voice is betraying me, as Val looked more pissed.

Again, Ive been waiting for this, I even looked up for places/ apartments last week. Her face calmed and maybe realized that Im saying the right thing.

"Yeahh,, just.. just go I dont want you here anymore." She said then  left me alone.


The job was easy, so easy in which I am thankful and glad. It has been a week since the break up. We both handled it so well, hence its also a good thing that it happened.

I hate Mondays,  everything is rushed, everyone and every place are packed and busy.

"Hi." I greeted Olivia, the receptionist of the building where Im working.

He smiled flirtatiously back at me , while adjusting her blouse, pulling it lower to reveal her cleavage more to me. I smiled and winked at her.

She's not that bad, she's actually very pretty and that body too. Good for hook ups I guess.  I stopped my flirting and went straight ahead to the elevators.

The person whom I saw was the last person I expect to see in my workplace. Irritation and sadness are both present in his eyes while his face is all flushed with redness.

The ring of the elevator broke our staring contest, once the door opened, he immediately entered it. He pressed the buttons quickly but luckily, I am fast enough to stop the doors from closing by my arms. I entered then presses the close button.

He's on the corner, his back on the wall, his eyes focused on the buttons of the elevator as if its the most interesting thing in the whole world.
Biting his lips, making it redder than ever.

If this is a different person, it will look stupid and funny but its not when its him. Nobody can pull off this look and make it look sexy and cute. I really want to hold him right now, turn him around facing the wall, grab his smooth hair and fuck him so hard until his sweet entrance is covered with my semen.

What the fuck am I thinking? God Im such a pervert! But I cant help it.

Im still staring at him, I know that its awkward and not nice but I just cant get enough of him. I could stare at him forever.  Then the doors opened and I realized that we're actually going to the same floor.

Wait, what ? Then the question dawned on me.

Why is he here?

I wanted to ask him but my tongue is tied. I don't know how to start knowing that he hates my very existence.
I let him walk past me then I trailed behind him, and yes he entered the same doors to my working area. 
So don't tell me he's working here? but it cant be.. Maybe he he's just delivering lunch to someone? But who?

As he's about to pull the door open, I decided to speak.

" Why are you here?"

He stopped but did not turned around to look at me.

" Its none of your business, and as dar as I know you don't own this place." He firmly stated then proceeded on entering the room.

That confirmed that he does hate me.
The question was not meant to sound that I own the place but I guess I should've used different words for the question.

Great Jerrald! You made him hate you even more!


I saw him being trained, Aiza, the one who handles the persons who's new had introduced him to the place, people and explained how is the job done.
Turns out that he's my new colleague.


A part of me is rejoicing and glad that he is here, as I'll be able to see him everyday and will even have a chance to talk and make things right between us.

Yeah thats what I'll do.

I just hope that he will give me a chance, also I hope that he's still available.

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