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When I think about what Jerrald said to me, I just can't help but squeal.

Maybe he's just playing with me but still, it's sweet.

The bad thing is, it has passed two days and still, there's no text coming from him. I already thought about sending him a text but I decided not to do it. I don't want him to feel that I'm so desperate. However, a simple "Hi" is not being desperate right?

Still, if he really wants to hang out, he'll remember and will text me. That's it. I'll just wait. If he will not send me a message, then that only means that he's not true.

It's a rainy day today, not that I mind though.

I'm just lying on my bed while watching 'Brave'.

Merida is so pretty, and her hair is just amazing. The movie has ended now, credits are now rolling through the tv screen. Not even bothering on getting up to turn off the TV, I decided to let sleep consume me.

The sound of rain is so soothing.

I was awaken by the beep of my phone. Still facing down, burying my face on my pillow, I tried to reach my spectacles and phone on the nightstand beside my bed.

One I got the two things, I sat up, rubbing my eyes a little then slipped on my glasses.

I unlocked my phone and went in the messaging app. What I saw surprised me...

It's the text that I've been waiting for !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4:30 pm

Hey, you free tonight?  Wanna come over at my place tonight, since it's raining let's hangout indoors.

The text read.

At his place? Really at his own place?  Oh my God! But is it safe to be with him alone ? Hmmm what am I thinking, well just hang out. Maybe watch some movies and talk. Also, Yes he makes me feel so flustered and nervous but still it's not a bad thing. In fact I like it.

So I decided to type my reply and send it.

" Yeah, I'm free tonight. At what time do you want me to come over?"

Reading my reply multiple times, thinking of its OK.

In just a minute, my phones buzzed. Then I opened the message.

" Around 8 pm, don't think of bringing any food cutie, I got us covered."

Then it was followed by a message consisting his address.

'Cutie' ???? Cutie????? This boy will be the death of me.

"Yes, ok, see you later."

My reply is so lame. Urgggggggg. Why can't I be cool just for once?

" ok, I'll be expecting you later."

I lye down again on my bed, processing what just happened.

This is what I've been waiting for since last two weeks, and now that it's really happening I feel like not going.

It scares me, being in the same room with him means that we will talk, conversations. As fast as I know, I'm really not good with that. He'll probably be bored with me. Then he will ask me to leave. But I really want to see him. I want to be near him.

With that in mind, I got up and opened my closet. I need to pick my clothes.

Looking through the pile of clothes, I realized that I really don't have much option. I mean, I have plenty of clothes but it's all similar. The two varieties are Shirt and button ups. I do have sweatshirts but it's kinda humid tonight, also given that I'm chubby. I'll just sweat too much if I would wear a sweatshirt. So I just decided to pull out a maroon colored button up shirt.

For pants, Hmmm I don't feel like wearing jeans so I just went with a brown shorts.  Next is underwear. Wait! I really don't need to plan on that, it's not we will have sex tonight. That will never happen. God! What am I thinking?..

So I folded the two garments and put them on top of my bed.

Not knowing what to do, I glance at the clock. It's just 5. I still have plenty of time before getting ready.

I went downstairs to eat. Right now I'm alone. Dad is at work and mom is out with her friends doing god knows what.

There's no food in the kitchen, not surprised with that. Well mom don't usually cook if my dad is not home, unless I asked her to cook.

Checking if we have groceries and the things I need to cook some carbonara. I decided to cook one. Also, to surprise mom and dad.

Cooking and eating kept me busy up until it's time to get ready for the night.

It's still quite early, but on times like this, I don't want to be in a rush. I want to take a long shower. Taking a look at my self on the mirror before sliding on my clothes.

After putting on my shorts, I noticed that I'll be needing a belt. So I pulled out a black one from my drawer.
I tucked it the hem of my shirt. Yeah I seriously tucked it in. I know it's not a thing nowadays but as for me, I do like it.

After the clothes, I then tried to fix my hair. It's getting quite long now so I just brushed it with my fingers.

One last glance at the mirror, just to make sure that I look presentable enough. Then I grabbed my phone and wallet and headed out of my room.

Downstairs, I saw mom and dad eating. So I headed to them to say good bye. As I was walking, mom noticed me. She eyes me up and down then spoke.

" Looks like our son has a date hmmm."

" It's not a date mom, I'm just hanging out with a friend. He's a schoolmate from High School." I explained.

"So your saying that this friend is neither Alex nor Mel.?"

I just nodded at what she asked.

"Well while it's good that you made a new friend... Why do I have a feeling that this FRIEND, is somehow special." She said .

I was about to speak when my father added " Son, please remember that we have to meet your boyfriend.... ."

"Dad no he's not! " I almost screamed.

"Ok ok, but no matter what you say Hun, you will not tuck in your clothes if this is just a normal friend......

Now go, just be safe. Ok ?"

"Yes, mom. Bye, bye dad" I said with a smile.

After our goodbyes, I went outside to get a cab. Right now I still have an hour before 8 and judging by his address, it's not near my area so I should be ok with a 1 hour travel time.



Again please comment on what do you think about the story.

Love love.

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