six | burnt cupcakes

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Wendy pulled out a stool and stood on it, reaching to open a cupboard, whilst I prepared the batter.

"Now for the eggs!" Wendy almost sang as she opened the fridge door and cracked open an egg, pouring it into the bowl.

The smell made my mouth drool. "Ah, this is going to be good!" Wendy said, putting the cakes into the oven.

I patted my hands together, satisfied with our progress. I still had an hour till my martial arts lesson, so Grandfather wouldn't be too angry.

"What do you want to do whilst we wait?" I asked after we cleaned up the kitchen.

"Let's watch some anime!"

"Which one?"

Wendy smiled and pointed to a whole box of anime CDs. "You get to choose!"

— • —

"H-hey, Wendy," I shake her awake—she'd fallen asleep on my shoulder. "I think the cakes are ready."

She snapped awake, sniffing. "They're burning!"

"What?" I hurried after her, quickly putting on gloves to take the cake out. They were now black and crispy and... burnt.

"Sorry, Wendy, we can't eat these."

Wendy's mouth kept on conflicting between a smile and a frown—she was trying hard not to show how upset she was. I looked back at the cake; there was no way anyone would eat that.

"How about we let it cool and watch some more anime, huh?"

"Yeah," Wendy said solemnly. She slowly walked to the TV screen and covered herself with a blanket to keep her warm. With a sigh, I snuggled next to her, wrapping my arms around her body.

She fell asleep not too long after that, and so I carefully disentangled myself from her sleeping frame and got ready to go home. Unlocking the door, I bashed straight into a hard chest. "A-Ah, sorry—"

"Scarlet? What're you doing here?"

"J-jellal?" I took a step back. "Wendy and I were baking a cake... sorry for intruding!"

"Why don't we eat them together?"

I hesitated. "About that—"

He put his arms around my shoulder and led me back inside. "I'm home!" He called, and Wendy bounded towards him, engulfing him in a hug.

"Brother, brother! We burnt the cake!"

"Oh no, that's a shame. Let me see!" His arms were still on my shoulders, seeping warmth through my clothes. Wendy led us both into the kitchen, displaying the burnt cake in full view.

I look down at the floor whilst he surveyed the cake. To my surprise, he took a slice and put it in his mouth.

"Brother!" Wendy whined. "They're too hot!"

"They're good!" Jellal states, licking his lips.

I knew he only said that to make us feel better, but it made me happy anyway.

— • —

Slipping on my shoes, I thanked Jellal for having me over.

"I should be the one thanking you," he replied. "Wendy's usually home alone, so it's good that you came over."

Suddenly shy, he continued, "You should come by more often, Scarlet."

I bowed to show my gratitude. "Bye, Wendy!" I call out, waving.

"Bye, onee-san! [sister]"

The walk back home never felt so comfortable.

— • —

a/n: Sorry for the really short chapter...

Q: who likes baking over here?

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