Chapter Two

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Dave snuck out of the bed and slipped his shoes on. He quietly opened the door and shut it. He ran to his car but noticed someone was laying in the backseat with their feet sticking out the window.

"Hey, you need to get up." Dave whisper-shouted as he shook Kurt.

"Fuck off." Kurt groaned.

"Hey, get out of my car." Dave yelled.

Kurt mocked him then flipped him off.

"Fine then. Don't." Dave said then got in the drivers side. He started up the car and started driving. Kurt quickly put his feet back in the car and rolled up the window.

"So, mind telling me what your doing in my backseat?" Dave asked after a while of silence.

"I had nowhere else to go." Kurt mumbled quietly.

"So, you got in my car?"

"It was the only one around." Kurt whispered and put his face in his lap.

Dave signed. "Whatever."

"Listen, just let me out, okay?" Kurt snapped.

"Do you have anywhere to go?" Dave asked but Kurt stayed silent.

"Answer me."

"No, I don't." Kurt sighed.

"Then I can't let you out."

"You don't even know who I am. I could kill you, rape you or whatever people do."

"Well hopefully you won't." Dave shrugged.

"Where are we going?" Kurt asked.

"I... I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Kurt snapped and crawled up to the front seat.

"I don't have anything planned. I got kicked out of home and I have nowhere to go. I guess I'll just drive around the country or something."

"Well why you drive the country I need you to take me somewhere. I want to see my dad, he's in Seattle. So when you get there you can drop me off and never see me again." Kurt said so low Dave could barely make out what he was saying.

"Alright. But right now I just need a map or something."

Kurt reached in his back pocket and pulled out a map that was folded up. "I have one." Then he unfolded it and spread it out in the dashboard.

"Thanks." Dave said quietly.

Kurt looked out the window and watched as they passed trees and houses. Both of them stayed quiet then Dave asked, "So, what's your name?"

"Kurt... Cobain."

"Well I'm Dave Grohl." Dave said as he passed an exit.

Kurt stayed silent and so did Dave. Until after a while Kurt yawned and mumbled, "We need to stop at a hotel or motel or something for the rest of the night. You look tired."

"Where are we going to go?"

"I don't care just at least stop the car and let's sleep." Kurt yawned.

Dave signed but went up a small gravel road. He stopped the car and cut it off. Both of them let their seat back and closed their eyes.

"Goodnight." Dave whispered.

"'Night." Kurt mumbled back.

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