Chapter 13

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Kaylas POV
We get in and I put Mason to bed and go to the front room. I sit next to Zander and say "what do you need to tell me then." He smiles slightly and says "there is a lot of stuff. Just please don't leave me." I nod and he says "when I was a kid I got abused by my mum. When I turned 6 she killed my dad and me and my older brother got split up. I was in and out of foster homes and I got abused there aswell. I went to jail a few times for having drugs on me and when I turned 18 I went to Afghanistan and fought for two years before I got shot in the leg so I got sent back here. I moved to New York and joins the FBI then a year later you joined." I nod and give him a kiss before saying "you know I will love you no matter what don't you." He smiles and pushes me so I'm lying down before kissing me and we christen our sofa. When we are finished I get my clothes back in and go to our room where I fall asleep.

Zanders POV
After Kayla walks into our room I put my clothes on and go to see her asleep. I smile and close the door before walking to Masons room to see him rolling around. I pick him up and say "hi buddy." He laughs so I carry him out and put him on the living room floor to play with his toys. I tidy up a bit before feeding Mason and burping him. As soon as I am done there is a knock at the door so I take Mason and answer it. When I open it I see Jay stood there. I smile and say " come in." He nods and walk in before saying "where's Kayla." I reply with "she's having a sleep." He nods an notices the papers on the table from this morning. I pick them up and hand them to him and he sits looking through them. When he's done he puts them down and says "I knew you were the right one for her but this just proves it." I nod then the bedroom door open and Kayla walks out. She smiles and takes Mason before walking to the kitchen. I look at Jay and say "can you do me a favour." He nods so I say "can we talk outside." He nods so I say "Kayla I'm going out for 10 minuets." I hear her say ok so we walk out. We both lean against the wall and he says "what do you need then." I smile slightly and say "I want to try and find my brother. We got separated when our mother shot out dad." He nods an say "do you remember his first or last name." I shake my head and say "it happened when I was 6. I think he was 16." Jay nods and says "I'm gonna call my brother and he will take some blood to test the DNA." I nod and he gets his phone out and makes the call. Within 5 minuets his brother arrives so he takes the blood and leaves again. Before I go back in I say to Jay "can we keep this between us until I find him please." He nods so I go inside to see Kayla asleep on the sofa and Mason playing on the floor. I pick Kayla up and carry her to our room and put her on the bed before walking out and closing the door. I then sit on the sofa when Mason crawls over to me so I pick him up. He starts laughing and says "dada." I smile and say "yeah I'm your dada. Your a good boy aren't you." I sit with him for 2 hours when I get a text from Jay saying he has the results. I quickly write a note for Kayla telling her where I was before leaving with Mason. When I get to the precinct I see Jay waiting outside. I walk over to him and he says "I found your brother." I nod and say "can you tell me where he is." Jay smiles and says "he's still in Chicago." I smile and say "do you have a name and address." He replies "I got no house address but I got a work place." I nod and he hands me an envelope. I smile and thank him before walking home. When I get there Kayla is still asleep so I put Mason on the floor with all his toys before sitting on the sofa with the envelope in my hand. I look at it several times before putting it down next to me. Mason crawls over to me again so I pick him up and take him into the kitchen before feeding him. Kayla walks in when I am done and says "what's with the envelope on the sofa." I smile slightly before saying "it has the name of my brother and where he works in. I'm just too afraid to open it." She nods and says "do you want me to." I shrug so she walks out and walks in a few minutes later with the envelope. She opens it and reads it before saying "he works at the firehouse." I nod an say "I'm guessing you know him." She smiles an says "when I was younger he saved my life. I was with a friend and their dad while he was working and he was checking things when I barrel of acid broke." I nod an say "can I have the name then." She nods and hands me the sheet of paper before saying "if you want we can go there now." I smile and nod before saying "you don't have to come if you don't want to." She shakes her head and says "I know what you are like." I nod and pick Mason up before we leave. When we get outside Kayla turns to me and says "we don't have to do this you know." I smile and say "I do need to do this. I have gone 17 years without him." She smiles and Mason leans towards her and says "mama." She takes him and we walk in.

Kaylas POV
We walk into the firehouse and walk over to Matt before saying "can we talk to you in your office." He nods so we all walk there before I say "why didn't you tell anyone about your brother." He shrugs and says "how did you find out about him. It has been 17 years since I last saw him." I smile and say "because I found him and he wants to meet you." He nods and says " do you know what his job is." I nod and say "FBI." Matt gulps and says "can I meet him." I nod and say "have fun." Before walking out leaving Matt and Zander inside locking the door. I smile at them before Boden walks out and says "why have you locked those two in there." I smile at him and say "it's a family thing they need to sort out." He nods and walks away when Gabby walks in. She looks at me before looking in the office to see them both tearing up and hugging each other. Zander points at the door so I unlock it and when they come out I say "brotherly love is so cute." Gabby walks over to Matt and he says "Zander this is Gabby, my wife. Gabby this is my younger brother Zander." She smiles and shakes his hand before walking over to me and taking Mason off of me. I smile and Gabby walks over to me before saying "as you technically family I'm taking Mason for the night." I smile and say "you really don't need to." She nods and says "yes I do now stop arguing." I nod and hand Mason to her before Zander walks over and says "let's go home." I nod and we walk home. When we get it Zander pushes me into the wall before kissing me and we end up moving to the bedroom.

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