Chapter 1

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Kaylas POV
I walk in to my house to hear "where are you you worthless piece of shit." I turn to see my severally drunk dad charging at me with his fist raised. He swings and I feel his fist collide with my head. He then begins kicking me until he passes out. I get up and go to my room before cleaning my face and going to bed.

When I wake up I get dressed and put makeup on to cover my bruised face. I go downstairs and leave for school. When I arrive I see police cars all over the place. I walk over to an officer who has brown eyes and brown hair and say "what's going on." He turns and says "there is a shooter inside. Who are you?" I smile slightly and say "Kayla Richards." He nods and let's me stay with him. Eventually they get the shooter out and everyone is allowed to go home. I stay there and a cop says "why aren't you going home?" I look up to see the cop from earlier. I say "my dad is at work so I can't get in." He smiles and nods before saying "I'll take you to the station for a bit then drive you home." I nod and follow him to a Land Rover. I get in the back to see someone else in the car. When the cop gets in the person says "who's the kid." He smiles and says "that's Kayla. She can't go home yet so I said I would watch her." He then turns around and says "I'm Jay and this is Erin." I smile and say "nice to meet you." Jay then starts the engine and drives to the police station. When the car stops I get out with Erin while Jay parks the car. Erin turns to me an says "there's another reason you don't want to go home isn't there." I nod and she says "is someone abusing you." I start crying and nod and she bends down and hugs me. After I finish crying Jay comes back and they take me inside. I sit on my phone when I get a text of my dad. Where are you your a worthless piece of shit who I shouldn't have adopted. Erin walks in so I look at her and say "can you walk me home. My dad got back early." She nods so I grab my bag and walk out where Jay hands me an envelope. He smiles and says "in there is everyone's cards with numbers on. You need anything call us and we will help." I nod and smile before hugging him and walking over to where Erin is waiting. When we get out the building she says "has your father ever told you something that can change your life." I nod and say "yeah in the text he told me I was adopted." She turns and says "do you want me to try and find your real parents." I shake my head and say "if I was put up for adoption it means they don't want me." She smiles then we get outside my house. I give her a hug and say "see you tomorrow," before walking in. Immediately I feel a fist hit my head and my father shout "where the hell were you. I know your school was closed. Your a worthless piece of shit." He punches me more before I go to my room. I go through the envelope until I find Erin's card. I call her and she says "are you ok?" I start crying and I hear her say "are you still at your house?" I say "yeah." Then she says "I will be there soon," before she hangs up. I sit there for about 10 minuets when I hear someone thud on the door saying "Chicago PD open up." I slowly walk out to see my father walking towards the door so I go back to my room. I hear him open the door and the Sargent say "sir we have a warrant to search the property." I hear him shout "who the hell called you. You ain't coming in." The Sargent then says "fine. Your under arrest for resisting a warrant." I then hear people walk around so I grab my bags and put my small amount of stuff in it when Erin walks in. I drop my stuff and run over to her crying. She pulls me into a hug and holds me for about 10 minuets. She then lets go and I grab my bags before walking out. She leads me over to a car and puts me in the back before getting in next to me. I look at her and say "who's driving." She smiles slightly and says "Jay is. He's going to take us to med so you can get checked over." I nod and she starts hugging me then Jay gets in the front. He smiles slightly and says "hey kid how you feeling." I turn my head slightly and say "sore and painful." He chuckles and starts the car before driving to the hospital. When he parks the car we get out and go inside to see a ginger doctor waiting. Jay and Erin walk towards him and he takes us to a room and takes blood before cleaning all the cuts I have. Before he walk out Erin says "can you try an match the DNA to anyone in your system please." He nods and walks out leaving Jay,Erin and I in the room. Jay looks at Erin and says "how did you know to go to the house." She smiles and says "Kayla called me and started crying. I asked if she was still at home and she said yes. Earlier she told me she got abused. I just thought the worse." He nods and walks over giving me a hug before whispering "you did the right thing. Voight isn't going to be happy I can tell you that." I smile then the ginger doctor walks in and gives Erin a pile of paper before saying "There are no major injuries so she is discharged." I get off the bed and walk out with Jay and Erin. I look at them and say "where am I going to be staying?" Erin smiles and says "with me until I find your parents." I smile and we all get in the car. Jay drives to the police station and Erin is looking through the pile of papers the whole time. When we get to the station they take me upstairs where I see the police Sargent. He smiles and says "how are you kid." I smile and say "not dead so that's a good sign." He chuckles before walking into his office. Erin let's me sit at her desk while I get introduced to everyone. Erin continues to look through the paper until she closes them and smirks.

Erin's POV
I look through the paperwork to see the DNA results. I look at the mother space and it says unknown but in the father spot it says Jay Halstead. I smirk and shake my head before looking at Kayla and saying "do you want to go home now." She nods so I put the papers on Jays desk before taking Kayla to my house. We both get into PJs before ordering pizza and watching Divergent. About half way through Kayla falls asleep so I turn the film off and pick her up carrying her to the spare room. I walk back into the living room and clean up before there is a knock at the door. I answer it to see Jay stood there holding the papers. He smiles and says "these are to papers Will gave you aren't they." I nod before inviting him in. We sit talking then Kayla walks out rubbing her eyes. She looks at me and says "have you found my parents yet." Jay nods and says "your father wants you but your mother doesn't. The father has an amazing girlfriend so don't worry." She frowns slightly and says "that means I'm leaving soon doesn't it." I slap Jay and tell her to come and sit down. I pass her the sheet of paper that had the DNA results on and she reads it. She then starts crying and runs to Jay hugging him. He hugs her back and she says "who's the amazing girlfriend then." He smiles and says "she is in this room." Kayla smiles and says "Erin does that mean your going to become my mum." I smile and say "if you want me to." She nods and I get pulled into the hug.

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