Chapter 10

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11 months later
Kaylas POV
I walk up to the office to see Carter spinning around. I walk over to him and push him and he falls over. He looks up at me from his spot on the floor an says "what the hell was that for." I smile and say "because I can." Before grabbing a coffee. Megan walks in and says "carter get off the floor." She looks at all of us and says "holiday sheets are up now." I grab a pen and walk over booking October 22nd off. Logan looks at me and says "why did you want to get that date so quick." I look over at him and say "am I not allowed to have my sons first birthday off." He shrugs so I go to my desk. I get my phone out and texted Hank telling him I had October 22nd off. Zander walks over and says "why didn't you say anything about your son." I shrug and say "I didn't think it mattered." He grabbed my hand and pulled me to the locker room. I look at him an he says "who's the father." I sit on the bench and say "I don't know." He sits opposite me and says "how don't you know who you had sex with." I start to cry and he just says "you were raped weren't you." I nod and he comes close and gives me a hug. My phone starts going off so I grab it and see that Anna is calling me.
A-Anna. K-Kayla
A-I have just been called into work
K-Bring Mason to the office
A-you sure? I can get a nanny
K-bring him here it will be fine
A-ok see you in 10

When see hangs up I put my phone in my pocket and my head gets lifted before lips are put on mine. I look to see Zander kissing me and I kiss back because it feels natural. After about 5 minuets I pull away to get some air. Zander pulls me into and hug and say "will you be mine." I nod then I remember Anna is bringing Mason. I get up and kiss Zander once more before walking down to front desk. Anna walks in and passes Mason to be before giving me the bag and leaving. I hold Mason close before walking up to my desk. Logan looks over and says "is this the famous Mason then." I nod then Megan walks in and says "some intelligence members from Chicago are coming to help with a case." Everyone nods and I say "do you know what ones." She nods and says "Voight,Dawson,Lindsay and Olinski." I nod and say "am I allowed to leave now please." She nods so I grab my stuff and walk out to see her waiting at the door. She looks at me and says "why are you going." I smile slightly and say "my mum is coming. I ran away from Chicago." She nods then I hand her a piece of paper and say "give that to Voight please." She nods so I leave and go home. I sit and watch a film before feeding Mason and putting him to bed. As I walk back to the front room I hear a knock at the door so I open it to see Hank and Antonio stood there. I let them in and Hank says "Where's Mason." I smile and say "just put him to bed." Antonio then says "who is Mason and why are we here." I open my mouth to answer when Mason starts crying so I say "be back in a minute." I walk to my room and pick him up and he settles almost immediately. I carry him out to where Hand and Antonio are. Antonio smiles a bit and say "this is Mason then." I nod and pass him to Hank then Antonio says "that still doesn't explain why we are here." Hank quickly says "am I not allowed to see my granddaughter and my great grandson." Antonio quickly says "wait Kayla." I nod and clap my hands sarcastically. I sit down an we talk a bit when there is a knock at the door. I go and open it to see Zander stood there. He looks at me and says "it's a bad time isn't it." I nod and say "unless you want to meet some of my family." He smiles and says "sure I need to do it at some point don't I." I nod and let him in before taking him to the living room. Hank looks at me and says "why is the FBI here." I shake my head and say "this is my boyfriend." Antonio then says "are you Masons dad then." Hank look at him with the 'if you say anything else I'm gonna kill you' look. Hank gives Mason to me and stands up saying "if you hurt her you will have a lot of angry cops looking for you." He nods and mutters "and FBI members." I laugh and say "this is my grandad and my uncle." He nods and shakes both of their hands then Hank says "we need to go but we will see you tomorrow." I nod and let them both out. When I go back to the sofa I sit and lean into Zander putting my head on his shoulder. He kisses my head and I say "they don't realise I'm gonna see them at work tomorrow." Mason falls asleep so I get up and take him to his crib before putting him in. I go back to the front room and sit next to Zander again. I slowly fall asleep and I feel him pick me up and carry me to my room. He puts me into my bed and goes to leave but I grab his hand and say "please stay." He nods and gets into the bed next to me hugging me.

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