Chapter 8

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4 days later
Kaylas POV
I wake up and immediately feel sick so I go to then bathroom where I throw up into the toilet. When I have finished I brush my teeth and go to the front room. Anna comes out of her room and passes me a box that is in a bag. I take it out to see the words 'pregnancy test' I look at her before getting up and going to do it. After the 5 minuets wait I look at it and it says positive. I walk out holding it and Anna runs over and looks at it. She turns and gives me a massive hug before saying "your stuck here now." I chuckle and she grabs her phone and says "I'm gonna get your appointment." I shake my head and say "can we leave it a few weeks." She nods and we sit watching films for the rest of the day.

14 weeks later
I walk into the hospital with Anna with me. I sign in and wait until the doctor calls my name. I go into the room where and ultrasound is done. The nurse says "your 3 and a half months pregnant and are due October 22nd." I nod and grab a towel before wiping my stomach and walking out. Me and Anna go shopping for a few hours and we get a bunch of clothes for me as well as a crib ready for the baby. When we get home we set the crib up before I go to bed.

2 and a half months later
I walk into the hospital room and have the ultrasound done again and the nurse says "would you like to know the gender." I nod and she says "congratulations on your healthy baby boy." I feel myself tear up as I nod. I clean myself up and leave before going and getting some clothes and bedding sets. When I get home I see Anna sat on the sofa so I walk over and she say "what is it?" I smile and say "it's a boy." She gets up smiling and gives me a hug before I go and put the clothes away. When I'm done she walk in with a large bag. I look inside to see nappies, bottles and dummies. I smile and give her a hug before saying "do you want to be his godmother." She smiles and says "I would be honoured. Anyway have you chosen a name yet." I nod and say "yeah he is gonna be called Mason Arthur Hlalstead." She smile before going to bed and I do the same.

Rescued From HellOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora