Chapter 1 - Introduction (James)

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James couldn't stand the guy.

Keith Kogane had enrolled a few months late into the junior space cadets program.

Everyone had their eye on him, he was the new kid after all. His long dark hair was constantly in his eyes (seriously, the kid needs a haircut), and because of that, James could never tell what his eye colour was. At moments, they looked cobalt blue or stormy grey, and at times, they even seemed to be a glimmering violet. But that was probably just a trick of the light. There's no such thing as naturally purple eyes.

Besides his... unique look, he also kept to himself, constantly outside of their group.

He was pretty much a nobody, at least until Shiro put him up on the flight simulator, and he blew everyone's minds with his natural skill at the "helm". It was impressive how far he made it. He was almost tempted to befriend him and find out how he was so good at the simulator.

But the problem was, that he had a few discipline issues. He was constantly getting their sector in trouble by disobeying the rules, just to do things his way.

Despite that, Keith had the world at his feet. Natural skill, incredible confidence, plus, the famous Takashi Shirogane, or as most referred to him as, Shiro, took Keith right under his wing.

Basically, he got all this special treatment because of what happened to his parents. There were only ever rumours about his mom, whether she died or left, and his dad, well, apparently he died while saving someone from a fire.

It was completely understandable as to why Keith acted out, yet, he was still an jerk about it. A jealous, selfish, little jerk.

"Oh yeah? Is that what mommy and daddy told you before-" The moment he got a fist to the face, reality hit him. Quite literally. Those words haunted him, even after he'd apologized to Keith.

For a while, Keith straight-up ignored him. But eventually he got a punch in the arm that came with a bruise, but also came with the acceptance of his apology.

So from then on, he vowed to become Keith's friend, and treat him respectfully.

But in the process, he might have developed a crush on him.

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