Chapter One

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Dear Jimin,

How are you doing, Love? It's been so long since I've held you in my arms; I feel so lost. My commander is sending me out soon, Jimin. I'll be honest with you, I don't know what will happen. All I can do is to hope to have you with me in the end.

It's been three months by now, only twenty-one more to go until I've done my service. As you know, I can't tell you where I'm located. However, I'm going to tell you that I'm still here in Korea with you. So think of it this way, I'm still close to home. Now, don't be mistaken when I say home. Home isn't my parents' house, it's not our house, but it is certainly your heart. You are my home, Jimin. I'll always return home to you, Love.


Jeon Jeongguk

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