|part sixteen|

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-Jungkook's P.O.V-

"Baby, just stay for a while," I grumbled holding Taehyung closer to my body. He was whining and pushing at my chest trying his hardest to escape but I would allow that. He was going to stay here in bed with me for as long as I want. "Let's just relax, you haven't been able to in a week and I'm worried for baby." He wasn't happy with me at the moment, obviously, all because I hadn't let him take Jimin to school or make me breakfast, simple things that I trusted other to do.

   But Taehyung wasn't having any of it. He was growling and whining at me. In moment he was whining and trying to sweet talk me into letting him go, the next he was grumbling about me not letting him leave. The most adorable thing I've seen out of him yet. "Jungkook! Can I at least make you lunch? I don't like laying here all day," his whines were the cutest, and the way he squirmed around make me giggle.

   "But your so warm," I bit my lip, nuzzling my self against him. His scent was driving me crazy today, like it has tripled in intensity. Not complaining or anything but it just made me and my wolf restless and want to keep Taehyung here with me. Meeting Taehyung eye to eye I took in his features. He had stopped squirming and complaining, looking at me with blush covered cheeks and a sweet grin.

With his bottom lip between his lips and that innocent look he gave me driving me crazy all I wanted was to ravish him day and night. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He giggled covering his face with his hands. I chuckled deeply taking his hands away from his face. The blush he had on his cheeks only intensified. Licking my lips, no hesitation, I pressed our lips in slow, long, and loving kiss.

   His lips felt so amazing against mine. And as much as I wanted to continue this kiss I needed air to breath and currently I wasn't getting any. If I didn't have to have air to live then I would be kissing Taehyung 24/7. Taehyung became a blushing mess when I pulled back. He hand rested against my chest to keep himself stable. Somehow he had made his way up onto my body, his small weight barely pushed me into the mattress.

   That's something I always worried about. He's been eating the right proportions and gets check up every month to track his progress. But he wasn't gaining any visible weight, it made me angry because this was something I could fix myself. Something that wasn't corrected in the snap of a finger. Every time I looked at him I knew I have to be gently with my fragile mate.

    That moment was interrupted by a loud knock on the front door along with several rushed rings of the doorbell. Taehyung sat up on top of me with a tilted head. Chuckling loudly I sat up myself pecking his cheek. "Let's see who it is," I said standing up, taking Taehyung with me. After putting on some clothes to look decent we headed to the door. As soon as I opened that front door a wolf I had known as a scout bursted out with a spew of words.

   "Alpha, sir, I-I was informed t-that um," he stumbled about his words, "there has been a pack coming from the eastern boarder, my scouting group caught their scents about two miles away from the border. Their advances aren't quick but I think you should be the first the meet them." The poor boy was panting whilst speaking.

   "What pack would come without notice first?" I asked the question as to rack my brain but the boy shrugged. Taehyung beside me wrapped his arms around mine. "It's going to be okay, there's nothing to worry about," I said running my fingers through his blonde locks.

"I want to go with you," Taehyung said barely above a whisper. This situation was serious and all of a sudden, if something happens to Taehyung while we are out there he am I going to live with that. Denying him just didn't feel right, but could I risk something happening to my mate?

"I want you to go and get Jimin, make sure he is safe. Take him to Yoongi and then you can come meet me, let me know if anything happens okay?" I questioned. Taehyung simply nodded his head to my request, taking my lips into his his, he gave me a passionate kiss before heading out. "Be careful."

Baby ~ K.T.H+J.J.K (Completed)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя