💜What's mawwage?💜

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Drew was playing on his phone, and Taylor was sitting on the couch, watching TV.

  Justin's dad and Carly were out for dinner, after a long time. Since they have Taylor to babysit Drew, they didn't have to worry about him. Even though he was upset with staying away from his parents, he was promised to bring back a happy meal when they get back.

  Taylor noticed as Justin's eyes got droppy, and his phone fell from his hands to the fluffy blanket he was covering himself with. But he was too sleepy to notice it. " Drew?" Taylor called softly.

   " Mmm " Justin mumbled tiredly. Taylor sighed softly, getting up from the couch and grabbing his hand." C'mon, Let's get you in the bed" she said.

  " Nu! Drewy no want walk" he grumbled stubbornly. He was stubborn when he was tired.

    " But you have to" Taylor sighed.

   " Cawwy me" he grumbled. Taylor huffed, but picked him up. He was lighter than a normal kid his age.

  Taylor laid him on the bed, and sighed in relief." Now sleep, fatass" she laughed, slapping his butt playfully. Drew gasped. Rubbing his butt. " Meanie!!" He glared at her. " Say bad wowd an' huwt Drewy!"

" I'm sorry" Taylor sits on the bed. " I can sing, do you want me to sing for you to sleep?"

  " I wish mawie was h-here" he whimpers, putting his thumb in his mouth.

  Taylor sighed. " Now I'm your fiancée, don't talk about her anymore" she said, feeling a little bit jealous.

  " Drewy wov mawie. What is peonse? You mean Beyonce?! I wike Beyonce a lot" he yawned.

  Taylor smiled. " No it's fiancée. It means we're engaged. And going to marry in the future"

" Huh?" He frowned, dumbfounded.

  " You don't know what's marriage?"

   " Mawwage?"

  " Yeah marriage. Like your mom and dad. Then we're gonna have babies." She smiled.

  " How? Angels gonna leave babies at our doowstep?!" He smiled, hopefully.

  Taylor sighed. " No" she looked at him. " You don't have to know yet. We won't be marrying until you're at least 20. Then you'll find out"

  " I wov babies.. but they make Drewy scawed.. they cwry so loud"

  " You don't like loud noises?" Taylor asked, grabbing a blanket to cover him.

  " Drewy scawed" his eyes slowly closed, as he sucked on his thumb and Taylor covered him with a blanket. " Drewy wish mawie was here"

He mumbled before he fell asleep.

  Taylor sighed. She didn't like it, that Drew always talked about Marie. But she knew it wasn't his fault. He didn't know him and her are engaged. He didn't understand. He didn't know what's going to happen if he doesn't stop thinking about Marie.


  It's been a few weeks since Drew's birthday, and of course, the engagement. And Drew was getting used to Taylor, The girl who's always coming over.

   Taylor brought over her cousin twins. Cathy and Chris. Two of Very bratty 10 year olds.

  " 'ADDY!!" Drew cried, as Chris shot water at him with a toy gun. Cathy laughed, ripping a teddy bear, which  belongs to Drew, in half., and threw the cotton at Drew.

  " Nuu!! Mine!" Drew spat. And broke into sobbing.

  " Aww the baby is crying!" Chris laughed.

  " Cathy! Chris!! Stop it!" Taylor tried to drag the two kids out of Drew's play room. But it was impossible as they were too energetic.

   Chris kicked Drew's stomach, and he fell backwards, falling on his butt and hitting his head on the wall. " Owie!!" Drew cried out loud, and started screaming and throwing a tantrum.

  " What happened?! Drew!?" John bursted in. And grabbed drew and took him to his room. As Taylor scolded the kids and rushed towards the room behind John.

  " I'm sorry Mr Braun.. I won't bring them over again-"

   " It's alright.. they're all kids" John assured, as Carly rushed in with an ice pack. John held Drew in his lap, as Carly putted the ice pack on his swollen head.

   " It's okay baby, get some sleep, yeah?" Carly kissed his forehead. Drew nodded, trying to hold back the sobs.

" I have to make dinner  with Daddy, Taylor will help you to sleep, is that okay with you, Tay?" Carly looked at her.

  She smiled. " Yes of course"

" My teddy.. she killed 'im.." he whimpered.

  " I'll buy you a new one.. please don't cry Drewy?" Taylor said softly, and Drew nodded. " But he's died" he whimpered again.

  " No he's not! When you wake up, I'll get my magic wand from home and bring him back to life, but only if you sleep now, okay?" Taylor smiled, Drew's watery eyes went wide. " Y-you a faiwry??" He was being seriously and utterly shocked.

   " Yeah" Taylor whispered softly, leaning towards his ear." You're the only one who knows about this. Pinky promise me that you won't tell anyone?"

  " I.. I. Pwomise" he whispered back, giggling exited and happy. ". Can you bwing back mawie too?!" His eyes were shining with hope.

  But he gasped when out of nowhere, Taylor grabbed his throat, and glared at him. " You're not talking about her again! Got it!?!" She spat. Drew looked at her shocked and scared. Taylor was never scary.. but now she was making the poor boy shiver. " I'm going to marry you, I love you! Whoever the bitch you're talking about, it needs to stop! Or I will! You wouldn't want that now, do you brat?!" She scoffed.

  Drew was struggling to breathe, Taylor tightened the grip when he didn't answer. " W..Wes t..Tawylor.." Drew cried out, tears streaming down his face.

  " You better!!" She let go of him. He, being the autistic boy he is, started sobbing loudly. She didn't wanna bring his parents, she didn't wanna abuse him in the first place, but she couldn't control herself when the jealousy led the way. She had started to have feelings for him and she started to become possessive over him. She always felt angry when he worried about Marie, but this time she lost control. He was the most beautiful human being she'd ever laid eyes on, he was so cute and sweet. He was so attractive and hot, noone saw it but she saw how hot his adorableness was. It's all she could ever ask for. And he had money. More than Taylor's family ever had.

  " Keep quiet Drew!" She said, she was already regretting what she just did, his pale neck was forming red finger marks that'll soon turn into purple. " 'Addy" Drew whimpered, and sobbed trying to jump off the bed. But Taylor grabbed him and pinned him down. He started screaming. She grabbed a pillow, and pressed it down on his face. He struggled to breathe, and after a while, he was out.

  She let some tears fall down, as she laid his body on the bed properly, and laid his head on the pillow. She didn't know how cruel she was being to the poor kid. But she had no choice. She didn't want his parents to call the cops on her.

  She covered him with a blanket, and kissed his lips before rubbing his bruised neck gently. " I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry I hurt you.." she sobbed, laying her head against his. She kissed his forehead once again. And placed a small stuffed animal in his arms. Before she dimmed the lights and closed the door behind herself.


xxciabee I'm sorry I fell asleep while writing this🙏💜 This chapter is dedicated to you, because I love you and you're the biggest fan of my ' Beautiful boy'. I'm so Sorry😭


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Beautiful Boy( Autism,JustinB., SelenaG.,Christine Stuart, Paul W., Jeniffer L.)Where stories live. Discover now