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Just as we opened the door a blonde haired boy came sprinting down the stairs. I looked over at Jonah who seemed just as confused as I was. I looked down at my symbol to see it was now completely glowing. As I looked back up to the blonde haired boy my eyes went wide as I saw his symbol blinking the same as Jonah's was. He looked down at his symbol then mine, then Jonah's. A look of confusion washed across his face. 

"Hi, I'm Corbyn" The boy said slowing sticking out his hand to shake. I accepted it and shook his hand lightly. I looked back towards Jonah who still had the same confused expression as before. 

"I'm Cassidy" I said lightly smiling at the boy now known as Corbyn. 

I looked back at Jonah and motioned outside. He followed behind me and closed the door once we got out. I looked up at him to see if he was gonna say anything first but he didn't, so I decided to start. 

"Ok.. What the fuck just happened?!" I said breaking the silence, causing Jonah to stop tracing his symbol and look down at me. 

"First off, Watch the language! Second, Why would I know?! I knew something was wrong when these were blinking" He motioned to his symbol. "But now you're half soulmates with me and half my best friend?!" He flailed his arms everywhere when he talked, something I already learned he did when he was mad or confused. 

I sighed, putting my head into my hands. "Look I-" I was cut off by three more guys walking out of the house. They stopped talking right when they saw us and froze in place. Jonah glared at them which caused them to slowly walk back inside. 

Jonah chuckled once the door closed again. "Always works" He said smiling down at me. I laughed and pulled him into a hug. 

"I don't know what's going on but we're gonna work it out.. together" I said smiling up at him, still in our hug. He pulled me closer, I could feel the smile on his lips as he lightly kissed my temple. 

Before we could say anything else one of the boys came running back outside screaming. 

"Hi!! I'm Daniel! You must be Cassidy!" He smiled a huge smile with a cute gap right in the middle. 

"Hi Daniel, It's nice to meet you but we really need to figure something out" I said lightly smiling up at him. 

"Oh yeah Corbyn already ranted to us about that! I googled it and found a case back in 1973 where this same thing happened" He said motioning to our wrists. He turned around and went back inside. Probably expecting us to follow, which we did. He eventually sat down on a couch pulling a laptop onto his lap. I sat down next to him with Jonah right next to me. 

"It says here that on a VERY VERY rare condition a specific person will receive two soulmates, those soulmates only connected to that one person. That person must choose between the two" He looked up from the computer screen and over at me and Jonah. I turned back to Jonah still very confused. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Corbyn standing in the doorway. Right when Daniel finished he left, seeming to head to the backyard. I looked back at Jonah who seemed to be in a daze tracing his symbol per usual..

I sighed and ran towards Corbyn, leaving Jonah and Daniel on the couch..

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