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 Me and Gray ended up sitting with Jonah while we ate. After we were done eating we payed and left the building. I wanted to pay for my own meal but Jonah wouldn't let me. I kinda felt bad for Grayson because he was alone still, but we let him tag along with us. I tried my best to not make him feel like a third wheeler but its kinda hard when I finally found the person I was searching for my entire life. 

We decided to go to the beach for a while and walk down the boardwalk. 

"That girl over there is really pretty" Grayson said smiling while looking over towards a girl who was sitting under a palm tree with headphones in. 

"Go talk to her" I said nudging him. He shook his head and looked down. 

"I can't" He was being shy, which I wont allow for my best friend. I let go of Jonah's hand and walked towards the girl. Grayson tried yelling for me to stop but I kept going anyways. 

I sat down next to her, causing her to look over at me and take out her headphones. I smiled at her and stuck out my hand. 

"Hi, I'm Cassidy" I said smiling. She shook my hand and smiled back at me. 

"I'm Nina" She said before we letting go of our hands. 

"So my friend over there thinks your cute but Is too shy to say anything" I said motioning over to Grayson who was trying to hide his face. I giggled at him and turned my focus back to Nina. 

"He's cute, what's his name?" 

"Grayson" I smiled.

We talked for probably about 10 minutes about random stuff until I remembered I was still with Gray and Jonah. 

"Oh yeah, I'm still here with my friends. Wanna Join us?" I asked standing up and brushing sand off my butt. 

"Sure" She smiled. I stuck out my hand to help her up and we walked over to the boys who now had milkshakes and were laughing about something. Grayson stopped laughing once he saw us walk towards them and started blushing a little. 

"Nina, this is Grayson. Grayson this is Nina" I said introducing the two. They smiled at each other and exchanged hello's. I introduced her to Jonah, grabbing his milkshake and taking a sip. I smiled up at him, handing the milkshake back. He chuckled at me and said Hi to Nina.

After a while of talking Nina and Grayson decided to go off on their own. Me and Jonah kept walking down the Boardwalk, holding hands. I eventually finished his milkshake and handed the empty cup back to him. He rolled his eyes smiling, before throwing away the cup. 

"Hey wanna come over to my place to meet the boys?" he stopped walking and looked me in the eyes. I smiled up at him and nodded my head. We turned around and headed back to the road where Jonah called us an Uber. 

In the uber we were both silent. I was looking out the window for a while but eventually looked back at Jonah who was also looking out his window. I noticed his hand tracing over his blinking symbol. I grabbed his hand and smiled up at him, leaning my head on his shoulder. He kissed my temple before intertwining my fingers, making my heart melt. 

We eventually stopped outside a huge house. Jonah got up and opened my door for me to get out. He intertwined our fingers again and started walking towards the house, thanking the uber driver. 

"You live here!?" I asked looking up at the huge house. It was on the edge of a hill and had an amazing view of the city. 

"Yeah, me and the boys all do" he smiled. 

As we were walking towards the house I felt my already blinking symbol start tinging again. I looked down at it to see that it was now starting to glow like it was supposed to. I stopped in my tracks and looked up at Jonah who looked down at me confused. I showed him my symbol which made him give me a confused look. He looked down at his and saw that it was still blinking the same way it has been all day. 

I looked back up at the house, gulping as we got closer. By the time we got to the front door my heart was racing a million beats per second. 


HAI thanks again for reading!! I hope you guys enjoyed!!

Remember, I love you all!


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