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Today is the Day! Me and Maddie are finally moving to LA, away from the drama of my overprotective parents and maybe towards a chance of finding the one.

We finally graduated the hell we call high school and, I turned 18 which means my parents have no say in what I do with my life.

We didn't do anything for my birthday, same as every other year.. I somehow talked my parents into letting me stay at Maddie's for the night. We sat in her room, watched movies, and ate a lot of candy and too much food.

The graduation ceremony was nothing special either, just the boring process of the principle saying each students name and giving them their diploma. Along with overly happy parents taking wayyy to many pictures.

Graduation was yesterday and today we'll be moving. We decided to skip having parties and just use the money our parents would have spent on actually moving.

"CASSIDY WAKE UP!!" I heard someone scream from next to the bed while whacking me with a pillow as much as possible. I tried hiding under the covers of my bed only for them to be yanked off my body. I sat up and gave Maddie a death glare which caused her to giggle before throwing the pillow at my head once again.

"5 more minutes" I groaned, flopping back down and covering my head with the pillow.

"Fine, I guess you wanna miss our flight" Maddie gave an innocent smile while pretending to inspect her fingernails. I finally sat up and threw the pillow back at her. I got up to go to the bathroom, I brushed my hair quickly and grabbed sweatpants and a loose t-shirt out of the closet to change into.

We headed downstairs to be greeted by the fresh smell of waffles and coffee. We smiled at each other and walked into the kitchen where Maddie's mom was cooking her famous waffles.

"Good morning girls! I'm making breakfast and I made you coffee Cassidy, Just the way you like it" She smiled back at us before continuing to make the waffles. I walked over to the mug filled with the light brown coffee, not too light, not too dark, but perfect. I took a sip while sitting next to Maddie at the island who was on her phone.

"Whatcha lookin at?" I asked taking another small sip of the hot coffee.

"Looking for things to do when we get to La" She smiled over at me, causing me to smile back.


"I love you both" she smiled giving both me and Maddie the biggest hug she ever has.

"Love you more mom" Me and Maddie said back in sync which caused her to laugh. I've always thought of Maddie's mom as my mom. She was always there for me, even more than my own mom.

"Flight 138, From Minneapolis to Los Angles now boarding" we heard being announced over the intercom. Maddie's mother pulled us back into another hug before saying goodbye once again and making sure to tell us 50 times to call her when we landed.

As we were walking towards our gate I felt a weird tingle in my arm. I looked down to see my symbol flashing like a broken light bulb. I immediately stopped walking, Causing Maddie to stop and turn around, giving me a confused look. I ran to her and showed her my arm which was still flickering. I was amazed by the pattern. It was simple, yet amazing. I was never able to actually examine one like this. It's considered weird to look at someones symbol unless it's your partner's, even though they're all the same.

Symbol ^^^

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Symbol ^^^

"Wh- H- Why is it doing that? Is it broken?" I asked confused, slapping my arm a little in the process. I was scared that something was wrong but also exited that I may finally meet the one. Maddie grabbed my arm to inspect it more until it stopped flickering. I looked at it again before looking around to see that nobody else was having this problem, nor was anyone else concerned about mine.

Maybe it was a glitch?

Thanks for reading!!
Love you all!!

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