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(Chapter Inspired by "The Video" from deviantart)

It all started with a video. A stupid video in my personal opinion as it did not affect me in a way that should have been expected. I sat and watched as Mark turned insane before my very eyes, with an eyebrow raised as I was one of the 472 viewers that saw it first. The hellish images didn't faze me either and i didn't get why anyone could be afraid of them. I distinctly remember shutting off my computer and walking downstairs for dinner afterwards. My sister Anna asked me if I had watched it and I said "Yeah what the hell is the big deal?" she looked afraid "Do you feel alright Maggie?" She asked looking frightened. I looked to my mom and dad who looked scared as well. I heard the news playing from the television I stood in front of. "In recent news a mysterious horrific video released by Markiplier has kids going mad." After I heard this I looked to my family and stated "They aren't me."

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