Chapter 1

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Alexander made his way into the Sunshine happy clinic wearing that black hoodie of his, in which covered up his scars and bruises.
"Hello, you must be Alexander Hamilton! Mr. Washington told us all about you," said the smiley secretary. Alexander noticed her name tag said Eliza on it.
"Where's John Laurens? I want to get this over with as soon as possible," Alex said, shrugging his shoulders quite rudely.
"He'll be here in a moment."
"Whatever," Alex rolled his eyes and sat down in a teal blue, plastic chair. A few minutes later, a taller man with curly brown hair in a ponytail, walked in.
"Ah, Mr. Laurens, you're finally here. Mr.Hamilton is waiting on you," Eliza said.
"Thank you, Eliza. Mr. Hamilton, please step in." Alex begrudgingly got up and followed Mr.Laurens into a private room.
"So Mr.Hamilton, you suffer from depression, anxiety and insomnia, Oppositional defiant disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and you're bipolar, is that correct?"
"Yes. So, what the hell are you going to do to help me?"
"Let's start with a simple intro-duction. I'm John Laurens, my favourite animal is a turtle, and I am 21 years of age. Your turn."
"My name is Alexander Hamilton, my favourite animal is a British pug, and I am 20."
"Good! Now, what grade or year are you in?" Alexander took in a breath. He already hated this.
"Second year of college, is that all?"
"I'm in my second year as well, and yes, I'd like to just talk to you for awhile." Alexander laid back a bit, his shoulders inching forward, and his breath trying to steady himself.
"What's wrong, Mr. Hamilton?"
"Nothing." The man across from Alexander, better known as John Laurens, suspiciously nodded before beginning to talk once more.
"Where are you from?"
"None of your damn business."
"Mr. Hamilton, please."
"Can I leave yet?" I ask, pushing down the tip of my shoe, ready to bolt if needed.
"Mr. Hamilton, I'm here to help you!"
"Maybe I don't want help!" Alexander stood up and tried to leave, but the door was locked. Alexander leant his head on the locked door, feeling a presence behind him.
"Why won't you let me leave? I don't want to be here..." Alexander mutters, feeling a warm substance wrap around his waist. He looked down, noticing he was being hugged by John Laurens.
"Alex, if I may, I'm here for you, not me. I'm here to let you enjoy something in your life, and that's my goal. Please, let me talk to you." At that moment in his life, Alexander felt like he belonged somewhere, in which was special. Alexander let out a small sigh, closing his eyes a bit.
"Alright, I'll stay. But only if you promise we won't talk to much about my past...please." Alexander felt a movement on his back, a movement which felt like a nod.
"Thank you."
"No problem."
Alexander POV
  The session went quickly after John said I didn't have to talk about my past. George and Martha picked me up and drove me back to the house, where I actually ate dinner, which made George and Martha smile. After about twenty minutes of interacting with my family, I went and wrote on my laptop. It was about two in the morning when I finally took my antidepressants, insomnia pills, and my ADHD pills, and fell asleep. School started tomorrow, so I set my alarm for 4:30 in the morning.
For the first time in ages, I was actually extremely excited for school tomorrow. I was just going into my second year of college, I would get a dorm mate, and I would be able to write for as long as I wanted too. The only thing I was worried about was, 'what if my dorm mate was mean or bullied me for the pills? I fell asleep on that thought, slowly letting the darkness take over.

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