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Alexander Hamilton had been depressed since he was born. His family was poor, his mother was called a whore. And, to make it even worse, his father left him and his brother. Years later, Alexander's mother and him got horribly sick. But, sadly, he got better, but his mother went quick. He moved in with his cousin, his cousin committing suicide, , then a hurricane came, in which destroyed his home town. The townspeople heard of his story, beginning to save the money for a passage on a ship, a ship heading to New York.

When he arrived on New York City, he was like a new man. Well, that was until his past got told to the entire school he was going to. He began to get bullied for this, beat, even. You can understand why the man was would be depressed.

The only good thing that he had was the Washingtons, his adoptive parents. But, they seemed to fail him to, when they signed him up to a 'depression therapy' session.

Little did he know, this session was going to be the one thing that would turn his life around.

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