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A year later

"Mommy," Quinn whines, reaching for Taylor.

"Hey, princess." Taylor smiled softly, lifting the little girl up.

Curling into her, Quinn relaxes. "Eat?"

"What would you like?" Taylor asked softly.

"Cheese!" the little girl says excitedly, she loved grilled cheese.

"Grilled cheese? Okay." Taylor carried Quinn into the kitchen.

Quinn squealed excitedly as soon as she saw Braelynn. "Mama!"

Braelynn smiled softly. "Hi, princess."

"Nummy!" the little girl says excitedly, pointing toward the cake Braelynn was making.

"I thought you wanted grilled cheese?" Taylor said looking at her daughter.

Quinn nods her head.

"So you don't want cake?" Taylor asked, confused.

Frowning, the little girl tries to understand what Taylor meant.

"I've confused myself and my daughter." Taylor said.

Laughing softly, Braelynn moves over to them. "I think she wants both grilled cheese and cake."

Quinn looks at Braelynn and nods her head.

"Okay Princess Quinn." Taylor put her daughter down in the high chair. "Your meal will be ready soon." she curtsied and moved to collect the ingredients for the grilled cheese.

Giggling, Quinn watches Taylor.

"Your mother is a goofball." Braelynn whispered in Quinn's ear.

Nodding, Quinn leans back in her highchair and stretches slightly. "Cake!"

"After your grilled cheese. The cake isn't ready yet." Braelynn said softly.

Frowning, Quinn looks up at Braelynn. "Cookie?"

"Cookie?" Braelynn furrowed her brows.

"Have cookie?" the little girl asks instead.

"It's cookie or cake... not both." Braelynn said firmly.

Frowning, Quinn looks at Taylor who usually gives into her. "Mama,"

Taylor turned away from what she was going. "Yes?" She asked, having not heard a word of what had been said.

"Want cookie an' cake." the little girl says.

Taylor shook her head. "You can't have both. You need to pick one. Too much sugar is bad for you."

Tears fill Quinn's eyes and she looks between them. "Want both!"

"Well, you can't have both." Taylor turned away from Quinn.

The little girl releases a loud scream, she was used to getting her way.

"Quinn!" Braelynn said loudly. "You won't get a cake or a cookie if you keep that up."

Quinn begins to softly cry in her highchair.

"Quinn!" Taylor yelled. She had never yelled at Quinn before. "Stop it."

The little girl flinches and covers her face with her hands.

Taylor sighed and ran her fingers through her hair.

"Q, how bout you eat your grilled cheese and then have a cookie, then when we have dinner you can have a slice of cake." Braelynn offers softly.

Quinn stopped crying briefly and looked up at Braelynn.

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