"Eat." Braelynn commands from the counter.

Taylor lifted her head. "Thought you were mad at me." She muttered.

"Doesn't mean I want you to starve." the older girl responds shortly.

"So you are mad at me?" Taylor sighed. "I'm not hungry." She turned to leave the room.

"You need to fucking eat Taylor." Braelynn snaps out.

Taylor froze in the doorway. She turned. "Why do you keep yelling at me? What have I done to anger you?"

"You never do anything, I have to take care of everything and I'm tired of it." the older girl responds coldly.

"I don't know what I'm doing!" Taylor responded.

"Neither do I! But at least I'm fucking trying!" Braelynn yells, growing angry. "All you do is sit around and act like a weak bitch!"

Tears filled Taylor's eyes. "You try having cancer and being ill every single day. It's exhausting." With that, she turned and left the room after grabbing her car keys.

Frowning, Braelynn immediately feels guilty and chases after Taylor, gently grabbing her hand and pulling her close. "I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me." she says softly, reaching up to wipe Taylor's eyes. "I've just been so stressed out and now work is wanting me to come back early or they're going to fire me."

Taylor sniffed, tears still falling from her eyes. "You can't... Quinn's barely four months old." She sobbed.

Leaning their foreheads together, Braelynn takes a deep breath. "Then we won't have any income to support raising her." She could feel Taylor's heart beating far to fast in her chest.

Taylor only sobbed in response.

Holding Taylor close, Braelynn closes her eyes. "I'm sorry,"

Taylor's legs wobbled and she fell against Braelynn.

The older girl holds Taylor up, keeping her close.

"I'm sorry." Taylor sobbed quietly.

"Shh," Braelynn whispers, holding Taylor.

"I'll try harder." Taylor mumbled.

After a few minutes, Braelynn leads Taylor to the kitchen table before moving around to make her something to eat.

Taylor wiped her eyes with the backs of her hands. She brought her knees up to her chest and closed her eyes.

"Eat this and we'll go lay down." Braelynn says softly.

"I'm honestly not hungry." Taylor whispered quietly.

"You need to eat Tay, I don't want you to end up in the hospital." Braelynn says softly.

"I'm going to end up there anyway. The chemo isn't working." Taylor sniffed.

Closing her eyes, Braelynn takes a deep breath. "Please don't say things like that?"

"It's the truth." Taylor mumbled. mumbles.

Shaking her head, Braelynn moves over to Taylor and crashes their lips together.

Taylor gasped against Braelynn's lips, her eyes fell closed.

Deepening the kiss, Braelynn pulls Taylor closer.

Taylor relaxed against Braelynn's touch.

"I love you," Braelynn breathes out against her lips.

"I love you too." Taylor whispered.

Pulling away, Braelynn looks into Taylor's eyes and debates on telling her about the affair.

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