Artem Markelov - His clothes

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This one was requested by sevencoloredrainbow, hope you enjoy! I had a bit of fun with this and kinda went with it xD I guess you can call it PG13 ;)

I also have a new Artem story on my profile, it's called 'Only You'. I would love it if you could check it out :) New chapter coming soon!

You slowly turn around in your bed when you hear your alarm go off. Way too early in your opinion, but there's nothing you can do about it. Work is waiting for you. You grab your phone to turn off the alarm when your eyes widen. This isn't your alarm, this is the snooze option of your alarm. Which has been going off for the past half hour. Meaning, you're late. Very late.

You got out of bed and rushed around the apartment you shared with your friend Artem. He had left hours ago to go train and prepare for the upcoming races. You managed to wash your face, put on a shirt and pants, make breakfast and do your hair and make up in the following 10 minutes. You quickly eat your breakfast and brush your teeth before grabbing a jacket and running out the front door.

Luckily, you manage to arrive semi on time and you quickly sit down at your desk to start work. You take off your jacket as it's usually quite warm in the office. When the jacket is off, your eyes widen. This isn't yours. It's Artem's.

You mentally facepalm yourself at the stupid mistake. And the fact you had thought the jacket was so comfortable and smelt so nice. You couldn't think stuff like that, Artem is your friend and only your friend.

You decide to try to finish work a little earlier so you can put the jacket back without Artem noticing. You don't want to face him with his jacket, not wanting to think about the conclusions he'd draw from that.

Artem, however, also finishes earlier than usual and gets home before you do. As soon as he gets home, he steps into the shower, washing off the sweat from the work out. When he's done, he heads to the kitchen, noticing the remainings of your breakfast are still there. He chuckles, knowing you were probably rushing this morning. He puts away the plate and cup in the dishwasher before making himself a cup of coffee. 

Just when he sits down with is coffee, the front door opens and you walk in. You try to sneak into his room to put the jacket there, even though that's not where you found it.

"Hey Y/N," Artem says, startling you.

"Hey, you're home early," you say, clearly feeling uncomfortable.

"Yeah, started a bit earlier as well," Artem says. Then he notices you're wearing his jacket. He smiles, liking the way it looks on you. You realize he noticed you're wearing his jacket and start taking it off.

"I'm sorry, I know I'm wearing your jacket. But I was late this morning and I just grabbed a jacket, not realizing it wasn't yours and-"

"Y/N, don't worry. I don't mind," Artem says, interrupting you. You look at him to find a smile on his face, making you sigh in relief.

"Thank you," you say, though you still take the jacket off and put it on the couch.

"You look like you could use some coffee," Artem chuckles as he gets up.

"Yes please."

In the weeks that follow, you start to accidentally wear Artem's clothes more and more often. First, it's just a jacket, then it's a shirt or his sweatpants in the evening. Artem notices and can't help but like it. The way his clothes look on you, it does something to him. It makes him look at you in ways he'd never done before.

And that's what you start to notice. The dynamic between the two of you seems to change. You can't really pinpoint how it's changing or to what, but you don't mind it as it feels comfortable.

One night you're sitting in your living room together and once again, you're wearing Artem's clothing. More and more items have disappeared into your closet so it's becoming easier to just throw the clothes on. Tonight, it's both sweatpants and shirt and Artem is loving the sight of it.

Suddenly, he's had enough. Not in a bad way, but in the way he can't resist anymore. 

"Y/N?" he starts, making you look up from your book.


"You're wearing my clothes again."

"I know, they're comfy," you say, neglecting to mention that you love his smell on it.

"I've been looking for those sweatpants, I need them. Can you take them off?" Artem asks, a smirk on his face.

"Now?" you ask as your eyes widen.

"Yeah, they need to be washed overnight so I can use them," Artem explains, the smirk still on his face. Suddenly, you realize he's playing a game with you. Well, two can play that game. You were so happy you decided to wear a matching set of pretty sexy underwear today as you knew your shirt would probably be next.

"Alright, yeah of course," you say as you get up. Slowly you untie the sweatpants and move them down your legs, wiggling your butt just a little too much. Artem swallows hard when he notices your lacy underwear. Once the sweatpants are off, you throw them towards Artem,  a sweet smile on your face. The shirt you're still wearing barely covers your butt, but you don't mind. You sit back down, making sure the shirt covers you and go back to your book.

Artem stares at you, not expecting you to play along with his little game. But he certainly doesn't mind. He waits for a little bit, occasionally admiring you from where he's sitting.

"The shirt is also mine," he says after a while. You smirk, expecting this would be next.

"That's true, do you need it too?" you say, looking at him with a challenging look on your face.

"Yeah, I do actually," he says as you get up. You slowly start lifting the hem of the shirt as you walk closer to him. When you're standing in front of him, you lift the shirt over your head and drop it in his lap.

"There you go," you say, looking Artem straight in the eye. He looks up at you, slowly letting his eyes slide over your almost naked body in front of him. Then he puts his hand on the side of your neck and pulls you down to meet his lips. You gladly do so, sitting down on his lap as you passionately kiss each other.

When you wake up the next morning, you're not in your own room but in Artem's. You look to your side and realize that Artem is still in bed, which is unusual. You admire him for a bit, still not really believing what happened last night. But you don't regret a single moment of it. After a while, you slide out of bed, putting on one of Artem's shirts to cover your naked body. You make your way to the kitchen and start making the both of you breakfast.

"Still wearing my clothes I see. You never learn, do you?" you hear Artem's voice say, making you smirk.

"I liked what happened last time I did it," you say as you turn around to face him. He smirks as he walks towards you.

"Maybe we should do that again then."

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