Daniel Ricciardo - Contract

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First one shot :o I couldn't resist... :P This one was requested by sampaahh  I hope it's kinda what you wanted! Enjoy!

You walk into the home office, where Daniel is sitting behind his desk. He seems to be busy with something, probably something to do with his new contract. Which is exactly what you wanted to talk about. 

"Dan?" you say, making him look up.

"What is it baby?" he replies as he can see something's wrong from the look on your face.

"Can we talk about the contract?" you ask and Daniel sighs slightly, but nods anyway. Ever since Daniel started getting offers from different teams for 2019, you two hadn't agreed on what to do. You didn't care about the money or whatever, but you cared about his happiness. You knew he had been seriously thinking about going to Renault and you couldn't understand why.

"What is it?" Daniel asks as you sit down next to him.

"I just...I've been thinking about it a bit more. And I just really think you should stay with Red Bull. I know how badly you want a shot at becoming world champion and you know as well as I that that's not gonna happen with Renault anytime soon."

"I know that baby," Daniel says and you can tell he's trying not to get annoyed just yet.

"Then why?"

"I just, I need a new challenge in my life. I've been with Red Bull for so long, I'm just..bored."

"Bored? You're racing an F1 car!"

"Not with racing, but with everything else around it. There's no challenge in that anymore and you know I need that."

"Yes, but I also know how much you want to compete for the title and I just know that when you see Red Bull competing for it next season or the season afterward that you'll regret your decision and be miserable.  I don't want that for you!" you say, slightly raising my voice.

"Baby, I know what I'm doing!"

"I know that, but..."

"No, you're doubting me! I know what I want and I know what I'm doing! This is my life and my career and I'm gonna make a decision about this!" Daniel says, now fully raising his voice. You frown, not liking the way he talks to you.

"But I have to live with you! I chose to spend my life with you because I love you and I don't feel like spending it with a man who's miserable!"

"That's a risk you should've thought about! But like I said, I'm not gonna be miserable!"

"You don't know that!" you tell Daniel before walking out of the study, having had enough of it for the moment. The argument always ended the same way, with both of you yelling at each other and you weren't in the mood for it.

You go to your bedroom and change into some workout clothes before heading down to the gym that's in your apartment building. You need to blow off some steam before you're able to face Daniel again.

- - - - -

About an hour and a half later, you get back to the apartment. You were sweaty from your workout so you go to the bathroom to take a quick shower. You don't see Daniel anywhere yet, which you don't really mind. You haven't really been able to figure out what exactly you want to say to him.

"Baby?" you hear Daniel say as you get out of the shower. You don't reply, but dry off and get dressed. When you walk out of the bathroom, Daniel is sitting on the couch, looking at his phone.

"Hey," you say, making him look up. He seems relieved when he sees you, immediately getting up and walking over to you.

"Please don't just leave again, okay? I was so worried."

"I just went to the gym," you shrug, not seeing the big issue.

"I had no idea where you were! I thought you left me!" Daniel says, his voice rising slightly again. You frown, not wanting to get back to this. You had gone to the gym to blow off some steam and ensure that your next conversation with Daniel about his contract wouldn't result in yelling. Yet, here you were again.

"I just needed to blow off some steam. It was either that or more yelling and I didn't want that. I don't want to argue with you Dan!" you say, looking down. Daniel sighs, knowing what you mean.

"I don't want that either. But I need you to see it from my point of view. Can  you try that?"

"I will try," you promise, making Daniel smile.

"That's all I ask."

"But please, also understand where I'm coming from. I love you and I want you to be happy. I want what's best for you."

"I know that," Daniel says as he takes my hands.

"Let's just try and talk about this from now on. Look at the pros and cons and just figure things out as we go."

"I like the sound of that."

"Me too," you say as Daniel wraps his arms around you. You knew this conversation was far from over, but at least you had gotten to a point where you'd be able to talk to each other without the yelling. That was step one, the rest would come naturally after that.

Pfff...I have to admit, that was harder than I expected! I haven't written a one shot in so long! But I hope you liked the way it turned out! Stay tuned, cuz there's more one shots coming soon as I got a bunch of requests lined up! Get excited :D

Love Evy

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