19. Abandoned Barn

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"Hey Jake." I quietly spoke. "Hey." He groaned then sat up in his bed. "I need to talk to you." I bowed my head as I walked over to sit on his bed.

I brought my legs up and crisscrossed them. I looked up at him seeing his eyes. "Do you like me in the gf way?" I asked. He sighed and looked down for a moment. "He told you. Didn't he?" He looked to his wall on the left and saw a picture of him and everyone, including me.

"Yea. He told me." I replied as he rose his head to look into my eyes. "Yes, I liked you in that way. I'm trying not too. But I have to deal with it." His voice trembled to speak those words, "deal with it." I nodded.

"I know this will break your heart but but...nevermind. It's a bad time." I swing my legs off his bed and stood up. I walked up to him and saw the darkness in his room reflect in his eyes. "What is it?" He asked. "Nothing." I fell down my arms and hugged him. "It's nothing. It would hurt you at this moment." I told him while pulling away.

"Please. I'm already broken. Just tell me." He didn't ask. He commanded in a sad voice. "I'm dating someone. Sorry." I heard a slight and quiet gasp escape his mouth as I walked to the door. "But you can get over me. You can find someone better than me." I told him as I walked through the door space.

"Wait!" He yelled making sure I heard him. "Who?" He asked still sitting in his bed. "You know." I shut the door behind me and braces braced myself to try to have a good day after that.

"Sorry." I mumbled under my breath. I could hear my footsteps across the wooden floor as I walked downstairs. I stared down at the stairs until I reached the last step.

He's not going to bring me down today.

I looked at Sam and colby and shared a happy smile with both boys. "So. Since we didn't make an exploring video for me yesturday lets go now." I hopped on the couch next to Colby. "I'm down." They both replied.

We all got ready to go. I grabbed my water and stuffed it in the bag Sam was going to carry. "Here Sam." I handed the bag over to him. He swung it over his shoulder and let it rest on his back. "Let's go!" Colby yelled in a deep voice.

We ran down the stairs laughing at Colby's voice. "Ok. Ok. Admit that was crazy mission impossible stuff running down those stairs." Sam laughed as we opened the door. I laughed a "yea." I ran into Colby's car. I ran to the backseat as both boys ran to the front.

I swing the door open and smoothly moved my body in the middle back seat. "Well I guess I'm the kid of the ride." I said then looked down at my phone. "Yea." Sam chuckled as Colby drove in front of the gate.

"So do you have the address?" Colby asked looking through the rear view window. "Yea. It's on my phone." I replied handing my phone to Sam. He set in down in a cup holder so Colby can see it. "Thanks."

"Np." I replied and actually unbuckled myself and scooted over to Colby's side to look out the window. I grabbed the seat belt and quickly buckled myself in.

"Hey! Deer!" I shouted so they can get a quick glance of it. "Saw it." Colby looked back on the road and drove slightly faster. "It was a buck." I mumbled while resting my chin on my wrist as I look out.

Seeing all the trees just pass me. The people on the sidewalk just become a blur to my vision. I leaned my forehead against the window.

I could see the house whoosh by as he drove into an area slowly getting more green. "It's an abandoned barn, were going to." I told them and then lifted my head to let my wrist take a break. "That's what it is?" Colby quickly glanced at me through the mirror. "Yup. 4 people died in it by strange animals. It was a weird case to work on but it's been abandoned for a few years so pretty recent."

I did a lot of research and realized I studied on this area while I was still working for the police. "You worked on it?" Sam asked with his head twisted back to face me. "Yes. It was a tough case and it still hasn't been solved on why the animals are acting up. But they all died so we'll be fine." I brushed my hand up and flicked it while saying "fine."

"There is also security around the 10 acre property. But I know my ways." I smiled at Sam seeing his wide eyes.

"It's kinda strange in a way, seeing a "used to be" cop come with us to a place illegal. Or trespassing." Sam said looking forward to rest his neck. "Yea, well I'm not a cop so I'll be ok." I replied looking out the window.


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