3. We Met

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I was so excited!

"Why didn't didn't hug us at first?" Sam asked with his hands frozen in the hug we were in. "Because my phone unsubscribed from you guys. It's been a while since I've seen you guys." They pulled together.

"Wow so we are a fan of one of our fans." We all laughed from Cop mouth full of tounge twisters he blurted out. "I've been to all of your meet and greets." I explained. I was so happy!

"Sorry. I'm fan girling." I shook my hands around to releive my stressful dream sucessed. "Well come meet the guys." Colby gestured me to follow them into their house.

How could I I forget these guys?

I met everyone. I met Aaron, Corey, Corey Jake. "Yea we followed you too." Jake explained after sharing a hug.

"Um. So I already did my video for my channel today but I know Colby hasn't." I implied giving colby a gaze. "Oh yea. Today is Friday." Colby laughed. "So let your fans know your a fan of someone." Colby quick darted upstairs.

"Can i get a picture?" I asked everyone. They all were in my picture as I was in there's. "Got my camera." Colby ran downstairs. "Pic?" I asked Colby. He nodded and stuck his tounge out ready for the picture.

"How about we play truth or dare." Colby shook his eyebrows looking at me. I nodded. "I know that this I the first time I met you guys actually but I think your fans should get to know me. I'm going to be seeing you guys a lot." I laughed resting my arm on Colby shoulder. He quickly glanced at me then looked away.

"Ok. It's set up." Sam said fixing the focus. I pressed the record button then we started the video.

"Hey guys it Colby Brock here!" He said in his flirty voice. "And today I'm with." He paused wanting me to say my name. "Amberly Maxine!" I shouted. "And with the Roomates." He pulled out his phone and tapped on Twitter. He must've had some people ask what questions.

"So I have Twitter pulled up and were playing truth or dare. Now we also will say different truth or dares so yea." We all nodded and said"yea."

"So Amberly. Truth or dare." He deepened his voice on dare to make a dramatic effect. "Dare." I calmly said. I looked over his shoulder.

"Ok. They dare you to jump in the pool with your clothes on." He laughed and slapped his leg. "Well as long as I'm not wearing my sweatshirt." He nodded and took the camera out with me.

"3! 2! 1!" I jumped in then the cold water rushed through my clothes and onto my skin. "Ah!" I popped my head up to the surface and grabbed my arms as i stepped out.

"Oh my. It must be cold hu?" Sam chuckled. "Why?" I asked while ringing my clothes out. "Because the heater hasn't been working." Aaron laughed and then everyone walked inside.

My phone starts to ring. And I checked the caller ID. Mom.

A-Hey mom.
M-So I havnt talked in what? 1 year?
M-So I don't think I have asked yet but what's your job?
A-I work on YouTube.
M-youtube? Why?!
A-mom chill. I'll be fine.
M-No! I can't believe you can't get an actual job!
A-mom it is-
M-No it's not!

She hung up on me that second. "Are you alright?" Jake asked while taking a seat on the couch. I nodded yes and bobbed my head down.

"So Sam truth or dare?" I asked Sam and this time I was going to use Twitter. "Truth." He smiled but it was a nervous, shaky, smile. "Alright. Is it true you are still in love with Katrina?" I looked over to him. "Yes? Of course!" He laughed and slapped his thigh. "Who asked that?" I shrugged my shoulders and passed the phone.


It got to my turn again. "So this round isn't with the phone. So Amberly, truth or dare!" He screamed dare making everyone flinch. "Geez." I rested my hand on my chest and took a few breathes. "Ok." I chuckled setting my hand down. "Truth." I looked deep into his ocean blue eyes. "Did you have a job before this and what was it?" My mind froze on the word job.

I then had a quick flashback of me and Andy fighting.

"Am?" I heard Sam shake my shoulder snapping me out of my thoughts. "Oh yea sorry. Flashback." I laughed nervously still knowing I had to answer the question.

"So I was a detective." I looked at Sam then Colby and back at the camera. "You were a detective? Was it fun?" Aaron freaked. I smiled looking over at him. "It was until I got into a fight." I bobbed my head down.

"It's cool. You didn't have to tell us if you didn't want to." I shook my head. Then the game continued.


After the game I waved bye to everyone. "Bye guys. I'll see you very soon!" I waved then stepped foot out of the door. "Wait!" I heard someone call as I shut the door. Colby bursted it open.

"Can I get your number so we can keep in touch?" I nodded. We transferred phone numbers and texted each other hi just to make sure it was the right number.

"Perfect. Thanks again, Colbs." I walked away casually then when I passed the gates and passed their house I jumped and freaked out in happiness.

"I just met my idols When I was youger!" Then I cooled down. I took a few deep breathes to calm myself down.

"I can't can't believe I have Colby's number!" I quickly walked to my house which was a couple blocks away. There was no one on the side walks so I couldn't wave to anyone.

As I got through my door I got a clinging noise come from my phone. Someone texted me.

A-Hey Colby. What's up
C-nothing I just wanted to say thank u for doing my week video with me
A-No probs
C-So about the fight thing. I'm sry about asking the question about old job
A-your fine. I was just thinking about it.
C-Ok. Hey so me and Sam are doing our exploring video next week if you want to join
A-hell yea I'm in.
C-alright. We're doing it on Wednesday.
A-cool. I gtg.

Then I took a breathe of happiness.


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