Chapter Eleven

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A loud clattering sound forced their bodies apart. Stunned, Julius lifted his eyes just in time to find Ira making her way out of the room. He turned his attention to the tray she had placed on the coffee table, before gently moving his eyes to Lady Elliot who stood there, face red and hair disheveled.

"Perhaps I shall be going, I do not wish to trouble father with my absence." She smiled at him, before gently leaning down and planting a kiss on his lips.

It wasn't until Lady Elliot had left his home that Julius began to feel the weight of his actions settle in the depths of his stomach and for some reason, shame clung to him. It didn't matter how much he tried to ignore the feeling, he couldn't. It also didn't help that Ira wouldn't make eye contact with him. Her hands trembled slightly as she poured tea into his cup that morning. The scent of her skin wafted to him and he wanted nothing but to pull her into his arms. But before the thought was done passing through his mind, she moved from him and to his mother and poured her a cup of tea as well.

Julius ate his breakfast in silence, all the while thinking of Ira. He needed her to look at him, for some reason, he needed her to not be mad at him. He didn't know why, but a part of him knew Ira was angry and as he finished his breakfast that morning and excused himself, he knew he wanted her forgiveness.

He made his way to the kitchen, but didn't find her there. Neither did he find her in the parlor or drawing room or even out in the garden. Perhaps she had taken a walk with her son? Or did she run away?! The thought filled him with unspeakable dread as he hurried to the front door and looked outside. Still, nothing.

Exhausted, he ran his weary hands through his hair. He needed to put his tired body down, if only for a few minutes. He hadn't gotten any sleep in days and Lady Elliot's visit left him with a headache. He would deal with Ira later.

He turned and made his way up the stairs, hoping the feeling of a bed against his tense back would aid him to sleep. When he reached his bedroom door, he found that it was ajar. Hope springing up in his chest, he pushed it open and immediately heaved a satisfied breath the second he found Ira standing there clinging to the sheets, eyes wide as she stared at him.

"Forgive me, my lord, I was only just..." Julius didn't realize he had been moving, and so swiftly, until he was pulling her into his arms and kissing her. He didn't want to stop, he thought, caressing her back, he never wanted to stop.

She didn't protest his actions, her palm pressed slightly to his chest. He drank in the scent of her skin and easily erased the thought of Lady Elliot from his mind. He certainly would not have stopped if something did not tug on his trouser leg.

Confused, he disconnected his lips from hers long enough to glance down. Black, curly hair connected to a small human sat at his feet.

Ira gasped and pulled away from him then, leaning down sharply and retrieving the little boy into her arms. She straightened but kept her eyes planted on the floor.

Julius knew she had withdrawn into her shell and he desperately wanted to tear that shell apart.

"May I hold him?" He held out his arms to the boy who stretched his tiny arms in response, a bright smile on his cute little face. Grinning, Julius retrieved the child from her arms, ignoring her protest. "You were only a few minutes ago trying to tidy up the bed, go ahead while I hold him."

The boy tugged on the collar of his shirt, a loud giggle escaping his lips. Something warm tugged on the strings of Julius' heart as he held the boy in his arms. This child wasn't afraid of him, he realized. This child didn't see his deformity like every other person, this child accepted him.

He leaned down and placed a kiss on the child's head, a bright smile creasing his face. He would make an excellent father, he decided, turning to Ira. He realized as he looked at her that she hadn't moved since he took the child from her, she just stood there, staring.

"Is there a problem? " He winked, teasing her.

Something clouded her eyes, something he recognised very well as anger. Reaching out suddenly, she wrestled the boy from his arms.

"I shall return to finish cleaning your room when you are finished with what has brought you here." The edge in her voice was hard to miss, causing the smile on his face to fade.

She turned from him and began storming out of the room when he heard himself say, "Ira!" He turned sharply around. She stood there with her back to him. "If this is about the kiss," He began slowly, walking to her. "If this is about the kiss," He placed his hands on her shoulders and leaned down against her ear that was covered by her hair. "I most certainly found no pleasure in Lady Elliot."

She scrambled from his grip then, and turned sharply to him, fury visible in her eyes. "What are your plans?! To have me keep your bed warm in the shadows while you proudly show off your wife in public? Perhaps I am nothing but a servants, perhaps I am unworthy of a man of prestigious birth but do not think you can use me, Lord Talbot! "

Confused, Julius took a step to her but she backed away. "I already asked you to marry me, you already said no! I wouldn't request you to be my mistress if you would simply be my wife."



"Why? Why do you want to marry me?"

Her question stunned him to silence, his lips clamping shut.

She tightened her hold on her son, eyes shooting daggers at him. "I shall not be your object, Lord Talbot," She choked out, tears filling her eyes. "You shall stay away from me." Her tears broke loose from her eyes but before it could slid down her cheek, she spun sharply around and made her way out of the room, slamming the door shut.

Julius tried to move, but his legs felt like steel. With his limbs trembling, he watched as the angry flames consumed him completely, the brown eyed woman standing there amidst the flames.

Copyright © 2018 Lily Orevba All rights reserved.


Such a long chapter! Poor Julius, his memories are starting to come back!

Don't hesitate to let me know in the comment section what you think of the story so far. Thank you for reading!

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