♛ "red paint."

490 16 4

MARRIED AU: where and dark and married.
a/n: i don't know how often updates will be, since i have multiple books to update now, while trying to get used to my 7th grade schedule..

fluff one-shot.

" they is my family x2
they might be crazy but,
they is my family,
you can't get to them unless you get through me,
you fuck with them; you fuck with me, "
—family, mother mother.

Dark stares into the mirror as he readjusts his cuff, straightening his suit jacket afterwards. He runs a hand through his raven black hair, allowing some of it to fall over his face for effect.

He feels pair of hands wrap around his covered waist, and a chin resting against his left shoulder.

"You nearly forgot your tie, Dark." A monotone voice informs, defying the gentle and loving look on the man's face. Google was born with an odd voice impediment, for he isn't able to change the pitch of his tone. But of course, Dark loves him either way.

"Thank you for reminding me, Darling," The entrepreneur thanks as he leans into Google's touch, closing his eyes as the other man does his tie for him. "Where and what would I be without you?"

"A lonely businessman sitting in his office, clueless to the embrace of my love," Google murmurs before pulling away. "My turn, where and what would I be without you?"

Dark turns around and cups the sides of the blue-shirted man's face as he leans forwards, eyes half-lidded. "You wouldn't have ever experienced true love and happiness; nor the feeling of my breath against your skin, or my body pressing against yours in the most sinful ways."

Google shudders and his face reddens as Dark's fingers fiddles on the hair around the back of his head, his other hand on Google's hip, a thumb peeking into the waistband of his boxers.

The taller, paler man presses his lips against the other's; the kiss is mostly chaste, with a hint of contained lust. They pull away and Dark turns towards the door, speaking at the same time.

"And Darling?"


"I love you."

"I love you, too."

Dark walks into his bedroom as he slips his suit jacket off his shoulders, his fingers then fiddles with his belt buckle before tugging the leather accessory out of its loops. He brushes his hair away from his face, coal black eyes meeting chocolate ones.

Google looks at his husband from his comfortable spot on the bed, enjoying the sight of him slowly removing parts of attire. He smirks as the other man slips off his dress pants, boxers the only thing covering his groin.

Dark climbs on top of the bed, scooting to Google's side and sliding an arm under his head. He kisses Google's cheek, before hovering his lips over the other man's ear, his hot breath over his skin. "How was your day at home, darling?"

Google breathes out a weak moan upon hearing his husband's gruff voice, "You just came home, Dark. It's.. It's not time for this yet.."

"You know you want to.."

"I- I made you dinner.

"Is it you?"


The mentioned man chuckles as he sits up, a content smile on his face. He takes the plate from the bedside table and starts eating, eyes on Google before turning towards the television.

The two married men watches the TV peacefully, the sounds of the device and spoon scraping against porcelain filling the room, with the occasional exchange of words and a few scattering laughs.

"..Have you ever considered adopting a child?" Google abruptly speaks up when Dark returns to the bedroom after putting his empty plate in the kitchen sink. "O-or maybe two, if you're up to the task?"

"Adopting? I've.. I've been too busy to think on such a thing, and I do not think it would be wise for us to adopt, for I wouldn't be able to help you take care of the child," Dark answers somberly, his back resting against the headboard.

Google crawls over to Dark to sit on his lap, legs straddling his waist, arms resting on his shoulders. "Can't you use your home as your office? I know that it's much to ask for but.." The blue-shirted man rests his forehead on Dark's, soft eyes gazing into each other.

The paler man sighs, eyelids fluttering to close. "But.. For you, my love? I would do anything."

Dark leans in the doorway, staring at his son, who sits on a bed of his own brandishing a katana (that Dark had gifted him for his thirteenth birthday).

Yan, his son, is seventeen years old and has dyed red hair; he wears glasses and prefers wearing female uniforms instead of male, which both Dark and Google graciously accepts. One would say that Yan is insane, but his fathers would bed to differ.

"How was school today?" Dark asks, a soft smile on his face.

"A girl had said that she likes Senpai too," Yan grumbles, an irritated look on his face. "But she's a bitch so I.. I got rid of her." Yan's dark brown eyes flickers to his dad before going back to his favorite katana.

"You got rid of her?" Dark repeats, wondering what that means. Yan nods slowly. Dark hums before walking out, a thoughtful look on his face. The edges of his mouth curves upwards when he sees Google in the kitchen flipping pancakes.

"How is Yan? I haven't been able to check up on him," Google says, sighing afterwards.

"And yet to think I used to be the busy one," Dark chuckles. "Yan is fine, talking about his Senpai, as usual. Although he did say something odd.."

"Such as?"

"He had said that 'got rid of a girl' because she likes his Senpai."

"Oh, you know him and that imagination of his, Dark. By the way, one of his uniforms was covered by red paint, do you mind putting it in the washing machine for me?"

"Red paint?"

end of one-shot.

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