Big Brother High Day 5

Start from the beginning


Rebecca and jack start running, rebecca makes it past the mouse wheel while jack falls over, however rebecca runs into a scratching post and falls over, they swim through the fish pond, and past the mouse hole at exactly the same time. They both push the buzzer but Rebecca pushes it first by a smidge.

Bb- Rebecca, congratulations. Move the the dotted line, jack, move to the losers bench.


Lydia and kelsie run towards the mousetrap but both slip and fall. They are both laughing so hard and keep running into the scratching posts, they swim through the fish pond and slip over once they get out. Kelsie gets stuck in the mouse hole as her cat tail hooks onto the wall. Lydia scrambles past her and hits the buzzer.

Bb- lydia, congratulations. Move to the dotted line. Kelsie, move to the losers bench.

Kelsie- awwwwww ahahahhahahaha

At the end of the race, rebecca, lydia, zeb, sol, bec, sarah, josie, amy, rachel, james, jordan and jess move on while the rest sit on the losers bench. Housemates, divide yourself into 2 teams, blue and red. stand on the blue circle while lydia, zeb, bec, amy, rachel and james stand on the red circle.

Bb- housemates, this next game is known as flight or fright. Each of you will dress up as birds and bungee jump into a tank filled with freezing water. Your goal is to collect a card which will either say win or lose. Move to the losers bench if it says lose and move to the dotted line if it says win.


Rebecca climbs up the ladder and is hooked to the bungee cord. She takes a deep breath and jumps into the icy water. She scrambles inside and picks up a card. She bounces back up and eventually gets unhooked. she reads the card

Rebecca reads the card.

Rebecca- yes!! It says yes!!

She walks to the dotted line


Zeb runs up the ladder and hooks himself onto the bungee cord. He jumps quickly and picks up the first thing he sees.


The first thing he picked up was a crab

Zeb- get it off get it off!!!!

Bb- zeb, move to the losers bench.

Zeb- owww!!!!

After the challenge only rebecca, lydia, tayla, jaimee, jack.p and ashleigh make it to the next round.

Housemates, this next game is called guess the animal. Each person will try a food blindfolded. Keep in mind that they are all animals. You will have 6 animals to choose from- koala, dog, goanna, tarantula, dolphin and horse. Bonn appetit.

Lydia- are you serious?!

Ashleigh- that is ferral.

Tayla- im not doing this!

Bb- housemates, keep in mind that 5000 dollars, a hotel suite, a nominations switch and a nomination power is on the line.

Tayla- ugh fine..

Bb- ashleigh, your up first.


the ninjas bring the blindfolded Ashleigh a plate of.... Horse.

She takes a bite into it.

Ashleigh- not bad!! It tastes like lamb cross beef... Is it horse?

*ding ding ding!*

Bb- congratulations Ashleigh, move to the dotted line


The ninjas bring out a plate to the blindfolded tayla... The plate is... Dolphin!

Tayla bites into it

Tayla- ewww! Its all slimy.. Its goanna isnt it?


Bb- tayla, the dish was.. Dolphin. move to the losers bench.

Tayla- dolphins!!! There our friends!!

At the end of the challenge only 3 remain. Ashleigh, Lydia and Jaimee are in the final 3.

Bb- ashleigh, Lydia and Jaimee, congratulations. This final challenge will determine the winner.

It is called flying fox. Dressed as foxes, you will glide down a flying fox trying to pop as much balloons as possible. Whoever can pop the most balloons will win friday night games. Are you ready?

Ashleigh, lydia, jaimee- yes!!!


Ashleigh runs up the ladder and gets on the flying fox. She swings and tries to hit the balloons, but misses every single one.

Ashleigh- grrrrr!!!!!!!


Lydia hurries up the ladder and swings down on the flying fox. She manages to pop 3 balloons by pinching them as she goes by.

Lydia- meh, that will do.


Jaimee runs up the ladder and flys down the flying fox. She swings from side to side popping each balloon. She jumps off elegantly and smiles smugly.

bb- jaimee, congratulations you have been crowned the champion for Friday Night Live Animal Kingdom.

*A ninja comes and crowns her as triumphant music plays*

Jaimee- wooooo!!!!!!

*back at the house*

Bb- Nominated housemates sit on the red bench and safe housemates sit on the green. Jaimee, it is your decision to switch a nominated housemate with a safe housemate. Who will you choose to save?

Jaimee- okay.. This is a tough one... But this is based purely on who i have gotten to know. So im going to save... Josie

Josie- omg thankyou!! *hugs jaimee*

Bb- Josie you are safe. Move to the green bench. who are you going to put up for nominations?

Jaimee- wow.. Okay im going to pick... Ashleigh. Im so sorry but your probably my biggest threat here.

Ashleigh- ...its fine...

Bb- Jake, Lydia, Izzy, James and Ashleigh. One of you WILL be evicted from the house.

Bb- Jaimee, it is also your decision to pick someone to take someone with you to the hotel suite. Pick wisely.

Jaimee- ill pick Lydia, because it might be her last time here..

Lydia- thank you!!! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

Bb- the hotel suite will be open tomorrow. Housemates, its getting late. Im going to bed, goodnight housemates.

3 Votes for the next chapter! Dont forget to follow!! :D

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