I didn't let go. Instead I threw him on the ground.

"Don't ever mess with me." I closed my eyes, felt myself loose and felt like the anger just left me.

I opened my eyes again, and started running down the hall, through the rubble, and ran outside and sat by a nearby tree.

I put my head down, and sighed. "Something's not right." I said to myself. "I didn't feel the same as I usually do when I activate my ability." I looked at my palms as if that would give me answer.

"Kami!" I heard a call from behind me. "Kami?"

I looked behind the tree I was leaning on, and seen Blyke and Sera running towards me.

"Kami, are you alright?"


"You were acting different, then immediately bolted out of there."

I sighed.

"Do you know what happened?"


"It looked like some kind of aura like thing was emanating off of you."


"Yeah, it was like a bright blue."

Something related to my ability?

"And you seemed to be stronger than usual, and it looked like you knew it too."

Something's not right there.

I closed my eyes. "I don't know what it was."

"It was concerning."

"I bet it was, but to me, I felt no different than when I usually use my ability.."


I nodded. "I think I need a break from everything for a little bit."

"Let's go back to our dorm, you can rest there."

Sera and I got up and started heading to our dorm. I turned back and waved to Blyke before heading closer to the dorms.

We got inside and walked into our room and seen Amber standing there.

"So what happened? What took so long?"

"There was an incident. I need rest, talk later." I walked to where my bed was, threw myself face down onto it, and went to sleep.

"Where am I?" I looked around and the space around me looked like empty nothingness. "Is this a dream or something? And is anyone there?" I called out.

"Will you shut it already?" I voice in the distance yelled angrily.

"Can you tell me where I am?"

"In your conscience, stupid."

I sighed. "Thanks smart ass."

"It's my job."

The figure walked towards me.

"What are you?"

"Remember me?"


"I'm the one from your dream, right before you got injured."

"But answer my question. What are you?"

It got closer, and it seemed the shadowed part faded and reveal to look like me. "Do you know now?"

"You're me?"

"Well duh."

"I can see it's the rude part of me."

"Not exactly."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm the part you left behind years ago."

I stared in awe. "Why are you back then? I left you for a reason."

"And I'm back for a reason."

"And what might that be?"

"Should I tell you?"

"Well, yeah!"

"But you should already know by now, I am you after all."

"But I don't."

"Don't remember what happened yesterday between you and John?"


"You were revealing more of your true self. Your true power."

"What are you saying? That I've been holding back my power my whole life."

She nodded.

"But then why did it come out then?"

"Because of your anger."

"Wait, I want to know first, why are you here? You never answered my question."

"Because something is coming, and you needn't go soft and get yourself hurt. You need to put yourself first for once."


"Huh!" I jumped.

"Time for school." Amber laughed.


Oof guys next chapter is the big 50! Yeet! I don't know yet exactly what's to plan, but let's just say it's going to be amazing! I might even be a longer chapter, is that what you guys would like? I hope so, because it's twice as long as the chapters usually are. Author laughs.

Thank you all for all the support and love to this story. I wouldn't have gotten this far without you. See y'all next chapter, love you guys! byeee~

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