Part 20

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Briar POV

Myles is going to jail. My boyfriend is going to jail. No way is this actually going to happen. I have to save him. I just don't know how to. Why does my life always go horribly wrong?

I have no idea how to get Myles out of this one. We could run away. We could prove them wrong. All of these ideas are terrible, we could never pull it off. Or could we? Yeah, we could never pull this off. I have no idea where to start, if we tried to prove the police wrong. Because the police are right, Myles did punch that boy, and that punch ended up killing him. At the time he seemed fine. I mean, I am sure it hurt the boy but if that punch was going to kill him, I thought he would have died straight away. But what would I know? Running away is an option though. We could just pack up our things and leave ... Then again Myles is super famous and I am on the road to fame. People would notice us, people would be looking for us. Ugh, can someone please help me out here. MY MIND IS ABOUT TO EXPLODE!!

Knock Knock

I go to the door and open it up to see Britt and Vic standing there. I don't want them to know about this whole jail situation.

"Hey girl." Britt says.

"Hi whats up?" I ask.

"We heard that Myles was accused of murder last night. We don't believe it, obviously." Vic says.

"Well, its true." I tell them.

"WAIT WHAT?!" Britt shouts out in shock.

"We were in Starbucks yesterday and this boy came up to me and started touching me and kissing me. Myles punched the guy and later that night, the police came over and told us that Myles killed that guy. One punch kill, I guess." I explain.

"Well what are we going to do?" Brit asks us.

"What do you mean?" I ask confused.

"We have to get him out of jail, duh." Britt says.

"I have an idea." Vic says suddenly.

This better be good. I don't think I can deal with anymore disappointment.

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