Instagram Post| Theo

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Theoedward- Charlie wanted a koala so being the daddy girl that she is my dad got her one 🐨 (I hope she knows we can't keep it)

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Theoedward- Charlie wanted a koala so being the daddy girl that she is my dad got her one 🐨 (I hope she knows we can't keep it)

82.3k likes 29,268 comments

@charliexo- WHAT??!?!? We can't keep it

@user- Honestly that would be me too I want a koala

@user- Charlie is such an attention whore

@user- honestly tho ^ it always has to be about her

@gilinskyfinn- I dont know who you are but I know for a fact that you are not giving my sister hate ^^

@user- the brother we all want

@user- I hope Finn and Theo never change

@user- look at dem ARMSSSSSSS Muscles for days baby

@user- Theo is so fucking hot

@user- have my children.

@moonj- awwwww its so cute! I'm coming over

@user- for a second I thought she was talking about Theo

@user- me too

@Ewilk- tell uncle G that I want a panda

@gilinskyfinn- ask your dad! I'm sure he'll find a way to get one @ewilk

@user- SAMMY

@user- I'm still a Sammy girl

@julianp- you guys are mad

@user- whos the new guy??

@user- I just checked out his profile and he's BRITISH

@charliexo- @julianp you're stealing the koalas spotlight

@julianp- sorry love didn't mean too

@user- I ship it

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