Chapter 4 Part 4 Actors on set! All actors on set!

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"Nested semi-permeable layers to maximize energy capture, named after the Russian nested dolls." I say dully.

"This is why there is no escape outside of death." She says. "Our... patrons... control the power of stars and they freely distribute it among the shells. Even if we somehow managed to control of this sphere, and when you consider the size and our ignorance about the very physics that make us function..." She shrugs. "We make do."

"So, the Kryptonian and Herald class Talent are scary powerful, but not top-end comic-book powerful." I say.

"Correct." She says. "And do not bandy that around."

"I won't, but why tell me?" I say.

"I think that you are not going to Immerse." She says. "But you will be able to Blend."

"You think the suppression field is going to fail?" Carnafax asks.

"Yes." She says. "Same way it stopped working on you when you became an Olympian."

"Suppression?" I ask. "Oh... so I won't think outside of 'the fourth wall.'" I blink.

Carnifax finally smiles. "There you go." He looks to West. "I told you he'll be alright."

"I knew that when I accepted Rikkard's offer." West says. "He still has to be vetted by the Continuity Police."

"I think they'll let him in." Carnifax says. "Thanks to how you dressed him, he can even go in as a street kid." He looks at me, an odd questioning, expression on his face.  "Lotus, Exalt, have you ever read City of Night?"

"The book with the chapter featuring Miss Destiny?" I ask.

He smiles wider. "Yeah. If you read that, then you know what to expect. Hopefully that will be the worst of it." 

City of Night by John Rechy, published towards the end of the beat generation, depicts the life of a young drifter who made his money by prostituting himself. It is lurid without being overtly sexual. It is best known for its depiction of the lives of outcast gay young people living their lives on the edge during a time where being gay was criminal. Hell even drag, or "masquerading" was grounds for being arrested.

I take off the Wayfarers. "This... isn't just X-Men, it's Marvel Comics' Earth, an alternate depiction?"

"The Continuity Police can answer your questions." Carnifax says. "But don't ask too many questions, or he will get nervous." He peers at me. "What color are your eyes?"

"Citrine." I reply.

"Why?" He asks.

"Because I was not allowed any of the colors I wanted." I say. "This color was at the edge of the collision of green, orange, and yellow. Not banned, but a subtle combination of banned colors, very subtle. So I took it. I had to fight for the hair too.

I had no choice about my body. I wanted to look like you. Okay not exactly like you, but I wanted to be tall and muscular, not a hairless, alien-looking escape from an anime with barn-door shoulder blades." I sigh. "Okay, I chose the wide ass shoulders because it was the only way that I could see 'man' in my silhouette."

"And the donkey dick isn't a sign?" Carnifax presses.

"When I'm walking down the street, you don't see my cock." I reply.

He smirks. "That's what you think."

I manage to blush so hard I turn a shade darker. Carnifax falls over laughing. Well, not quite falls, the safety belts hold him in place.

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