Chapter 4 Part 3 Channeling Leigh Bowery

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The montage of my performance in the Megafauna Spectacular comes complete with commentator overlay and is a welcome change from the humiliation of a few minutes ago. There are a few more passes and convivial exchanges, and then the show finally ends.

Humphrey immediately quits the stage to go socialize with the audience while stagehands hurriedly usher us back stage and split us off towards our separate dressing rooms.

About a minute later, Klesean enters, accompanied by several people in black business suits with gold ties and "IC" embroidered on their upper left lapels.

"That was interesting." She says.

"Not really." I say, managing to sound laconic, noting the visitors. "Really Klesean, you should have let the dressers get me out of this garish guise before meeting the Imagineering Consolidated delegation."

"I thought this was your preferred look." She replies.

I manage to scruple telepathic information gathering before chiding. "That kind of shade does not suit you." Then I add. "Where is IC, West? Isn't she the producer who is supposed to take custody of me?"

The IC people smile in unison.

Klesean colors darkly. "How dare you read these people's minds."

I shrug. "I can see into your mind too. You are trying to scuttle a contract set by the Lotus Grand Producer because you think I should spend the rest of my life in reality bloodsport programming." I snort." Now you are calling security on your implant computer, telling them 'I've gone berserk.' However, since I'm still in make up, my appearance will not match the footage that had your pet videographers work up."

Rikkard's voice emits from speakers in the room "As you can see, Ayeshason is in character by default.

His mannerism shift in the broadcast was due to stage performance demands, and the suggestions that he conceal his appearance."

"I did not even want to do the interview." I add. "I wanted to start immediately. However, Klesean explained the importance of the event. Although it was odd that I had to both make an impression but obscure my appearance. So, I suggested something inspired by Leigh Bowery. Klesean made it work. It looks nice no?"

"I knew I recognized that silhouette from somewhere." One of the IC people nodded. "Are you familiar with his work?"

"Very broadly." I reply. "What I am wearing is tame for Bowery."

"Indeed." She says, coming to the front of the pack. "You do want to come with us, correct? Lotus, Klesean indicated some resistance on your behalf."

"I do wish to come with you." I reply.

"But you do not wish to be a super hero." Klesean does not keep the triumph out of her voice.

"I am a good anti-hero, or even an anti-villain depending on how I am perceived by the world." I say. "The Marvel Universe is full of people like me; people who help without necessarily wearing primary colors: The X-Men had a period when they wore street clothes and Danskins. Amanda Sefton is a stewardess, Luke Cage is a mercenary. It is a different property, but John Constantine wears a trench coat, khaki pants and a shirt.

Klesean probably implied that I created Ayeshason to be a superhero. I created Ayeshason to be a person with deep roots in several parts of the Marvel Universe, some parts of those involve super heroes."

The room is quiet. I wonder if I just talked myself out of a job.

"But you will be willing to put on the X if the opportunity comes." The woman says.

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