Chapter 3 Part 5 What's My Motivaton?

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The circle in the floor lifts, carrying me up into the tube. I can still hear AR-5's thoughts.

"It is wonderful when people with everything to lose are put into these competitions, otherwise we'd be dealing with people who break and run at the first sign victory is not in reach.

It is also a good thing no Kryptonian or Herald class Talent is in this event or we would have to deal with them breaching into space. We just have to deal with Olympians desperate for promotion so they can aim or Kryptonian or Herald status."

The chatter continues until he is out of range. It's maddening. My telepathy is ridiculously strong, but I can still barely cover a fifty yard radius.

AR-5 is completely out of range when the top of the tube flips open and I am greeted by thunder and thick, pollen-laden, air pregnant with rain.

"It was a dark and stormy night!" The announcer's voice booms, accentuated by perfectly timed thunder. I feel heavily shielded presences on either side of me, and a horde of not-so shielded presences behind me.

The contestants are standing on concrete circles, flush with the ground in a two-hundred yard diameter circle. In the center is a pile of... stuff. Boxes, packs, even the rigid pack that Titus told me to try and reach.

At the edge of the circle is a transparent blue shimmer, and outside of it are monsters. The smallest are the size of rodents. Correction, insects, because behind me I can sense swarms thinking with a single collective mind.

They are fixated on the dome, enraged. I have to push past my own terror and make myself concentrate. They are being tortured by something broadcasting from the center of the circle.

The thunder is blotted out by thunderous roars. Two semi bipedal lizards, each fifty yards tall with digited claws on powerful arms paced up to the edge of the barrier, unleashing a barrage of physical blows that made the field ripple and quake before following up with coruscating beams of energy. In the air were great soaring things which, seemed to be siphoning lighting from the clouds into themselves.

I watch some enterprising soul just start walking towards the center before the official start, only to be stopped by a sudden forcefield over the cache of supplies.

"Now now." The Announcer says. "For that little rule violation, we will have to punish you, all of you! Audience place your bets! Choose your favorites and keep them alive! The thirty second countdown begins... now!"

Holographic numbers appear in a glowing black facing all cardinal directions. I drop to a knee fingers on the ground, like I am preparing to take off at a sprint.

My skin prickles with gooseflesh, and I feel a sense of imminent, impending, death... behind me. I am looking over my shoulder when, at the twenty second countdown, the top of the dome opens, and rain sluices down upon us.

The high flying creatures do not immediately try to get in, but my attention is on the creature right behind me, an elephant-sized, impossible combination of cheetah and snake with pulsating yellow spots in its black and yellow coat.

I reach through the forcefield and touch its mind. "What troubles you brother?"

"Pain!" The thing rages. "Pain in the center of the machine cleared field! It must be destroyed! Then we will feed!"

"You must run from here!" I say. “It is a trap!"

"Not for us." It replies and in its mind I see an image of a massive, balloon shaped thing with tails in its center above and below, floating in the air with lightning entering it from above and below. The creature shivers with anticipation at the thought of it releasing column of plasma fire large enough to engulf the center.

Murdersphere Mosaic [ManXMan] [BoyXBoy]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن