Chapter 3

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When Cam yells that Makaylee is here I can't control my self! I basically run down the huge flight of stairs in under 3 seconds and greet her, "Hey Makaylee how was the drive up?"

"Well okay I guess but I'm much better now!" After she said that I was blushing uncontrollably!

"Um so you are sleeping in my room with me. Is that okay?" You could tell she was trying to contain herself.

"Psh I guess that's cool!"

You take her bags upstairs and show her the room,

"Wow Gilinsky you clean up good!"

"Thanks I mean I haven't been here long so it's not as messy!" You try to joke. Makaylee automatically says, "hey can I borrow a sweatshirt and some sweats I forgot to bring mine!"

"Sure! I mean yeah sure whatever fits you in my suitcase!"

"Haha okay!"

"Do you want me to leave when you change?"

"No your good I have spandex on!"

"Okay?" Makaylee puts on your sweatshirt and sweats and somehow she looks more beautiful than the first time I saw her!



I put on Gilinsky's sweatshirt and sweatpants and think to myself how did I get here? How am I this lucky to be in Gilinsky's clothes? Anyways I snap out of my thoughts and ask, "So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know but I need to Snapchat my fans today. I haven't in a while. But Nash does with me and it's hilarious!"

"Okay let's Snapchat then!"

"Okay!" He goes to the bathroom and comes out with Advil in his nose!

"Okay grab my phone and start!" You really couldn't stop laughing so you got Nash to do it! But you did grab Gilinsky's phone and once you opened it, his screen savers were of you two at the restaurant like 5 hours ago! Does he like me? A million thoughts come through your head at that moment when you get snapped out of it by Gilinsky, "Babe we need to go to bed it's 3am!"


"Yes, come in bed and cuddle babe!"

"Okay but I can't sleep unless I listen to music!" You turn off the lights, plug your phone in next to Gilinsky's, and get into bed. He starts to hum "Flights" in your ear and you start to smirk because that's your first song of theirs you bought on your phone, you turn to face him a kiss his cheek.

"Thank you Gilinsky for saving my life." You can kind of see his eyes start to water and feel bad for making him cry! "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you!"

" you didn't, I just thought you-"

"No not like that.... Actually kind of. I had self confidence issues and you helped me turn them around! Sorry for scaring you!" You wipe his eyes and he grabs your waist and draws you closer to him.

"I could get used to this babe!"

"Me too Gilinsky, me too!"


How was it? I feel like that was a better chapter? You want me to focus more on y/n and Gilinsky or both Makaylee and Gilinsky plus Savannah and Cam? Honest feedback!

The Unthinkable (a Jack Gilinsky fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant